5) Prophecy

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It’s the happiness of being touched by him, the pleasure of seeing his face, and the bliss of being by his side. This is my mate.~ Harry


5) Prophecy - Harry

“Mom,” I just got back from school with the pack and they all scuttled around the forest to hunt and to find clues about the mission. I entered the room and walked toward a woman with short curly hair holding a baby bottle against the snout of one black furry pup.

“Shhhhh,” she put her forefinger across her lip motioning me to be quiet. I looked at my baby brothers, one of them was sleeping inside a crib snuggled to pillow and the one she was feeding kept closing his eyes like he was trying so hard not to fall asleep.

I heard a soft whimper from the little guy. I smiled at how adorable my pup brothers were. I watched as the little one finally closed his eye letting go of the feeding bottle and snuggling on my mother’s arms.

“They were just like you and Gemma when you were little. They suck the energy out everyone for being so… energetic and hard to please when they play all day. Yet I can’t just get tired of them,” she put the little one from her arms to the crib together with his twin and they immediately snuggled each other.

We then carefully tiptoed outside of the nursery.

“So, aren’t you supposed to be with your pack surveying our territories?” I followed her into the kitchen passing by a dead deer placed on our table.

The way the hind legs are missing means there’s only one person whose hunt that deer was.

“Marcus!” My mom blurted. “And he serious just left it on my table like that. I hate it when I have to clean all the blood after he just feasted on it.”

“Atleast he still brought it here,” I chuckled. “Knowing how he craved for fresh meat and not the burned meat as he referred to what humans serve at eh cafeteria, I’m still amused he left something for us.”

“I’m not going to clean that mess,” mom clamored. Before she sighed in defeat looking at the mess Marcus made and then took the deer on the sink and started skinning and cleaning it.

She hated her kitchen dirtied and I just wish for Marcus’ sake that he doesn’t come in when mom was holding the slaughter knife she’s using on the deer.

“So… why are you still following me here?” She asked. “I surely don’t remember you liking my kitchen very much.”

Yeah, she’s right.

I looked around. It’s a small room at the back of the house, adjacent to the dining hall. A stainless steel stable stands at the center where the deer had been earlier. A sink on the right where mom cleans everything, on another corner was a huge refrigerator where we stock out fresh meat. We also had a stove and an assortment of knives. On all side of the room attached to the ceiling are built in cabinets where mom keeps our other wares. None of them of course made of silver as they burn our skin.

“So are you going to talk or just continue to be amazed with my kitchen,” she asked turning to me for a second before going back to slaughtering the already dead deer.  

“Oh, right…” I scratched my head remembering why I had followed her from the nursery located at the third floor of our house to the kitchen at the back.

She continued to remove the skin from the deer, cutting it in bite size chunk. She insisted for us to be mannered in the table when we eat, so she cuts the meat in bite size knowing Marcus would just hold the meat and bite from it like a barbarian if it were in huge cuts.

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