||Two Worlds Apart From Each Other||

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A young beautiful girl wakes up with the alarm of her mobile and after switching it off, she goes towards the little bathroom adjoining to her room. The room is very simple with a mixture of pink and purple colour. Though there is no costly furniture in her room, she has decorated the whole room beautifully with her own innovative ideas. The whole room is having a little bed with a study table and chair, a cupboard and dressing table with a tool as furniture. But the walls are adorned with different types of books that define that girl's love for books.

There she comes out of her room getting ready in a simple suit and wet hair. Standing before the mirror, she combs her hair and wears her earrings. Then she adorns her eyes with kajal and colours her lips with baby pink lipstick, in name of makeup. But then also she looks fabulous as always.

Then only she hears a knock on her door and she hurriedly goes to open the door. There the person starts chanting why she is "two minutes" late today. She feels afraid and lowers her head before her dadi, after opening the door.

Parvati (shouts):- Why are you two minutes late today, Swara? (seeing her lowering head) Why are you standing here like a glass doll?

Listening her, Swara looks forward and suppresses her tears in pain.

Par(angrily):- Now do you have made your mind to stand here for all day long? Don't you know it's time for puja? (seeing her glassy eyes) Don't think I'll melt seeing your these crocodile tears. Now come quickly and start puja. Don't you know that after your puja, your dadaji and papa will go to shop? Then also you are doing late intentionally. What a curse we have got! Don't know how her future in laws will bear her for whole life? I can even imagine the painful life of your future husband now only. Who would want a curse in name of wife?

Listening her taunts, Swara's eyes are full of tears. It's not the first time, she is used to their taunts. But at the morning itself, her dadi has started her taunts that give Swara a lot of pain. She always asks God why she is sent to this world when no one loves her in the family.

However, after pouring her heart's taunts upon this innocent soul, Parvati Gadodia has left to the house temple with a disgusted face. Here Swara too wipes her tears and goes to do puja with a fake smiling face.

There she finds herself alone with her dadi. As she starts to sing aarti for Radhakrishna, her other family members join her. She finishes puja and gives all the prasad. After puja, all go towards their dining table. All sit in their respective places and except Swara, all enjoy their breakfast with each other. They all pamper Ragini a lot and after that Shekhar and his father go to their shop. Here Swara starts to gather all dirty dishes to wash them. And Sharmistha goes inside the kitchen to prepare food for the lunch.

While Parvati is pampering Ragini a lot as she wants to taunt Swara indirectly.

Par(with sugar coated tone):- My Ragini is the most beautiful girl in the world. She is lucky charm of this family. After her birth only, we have got back our lost respect. Even our shop is progressing now. (cupping Ragini's face) You see, one day a handsome prince will come for you and you will go to the most richest family, unlike others.

Here Sharmistha is happy that her little daughter is happy. Even for Ragini only, her in laws have accepted her whole heartedly so she is very caring towards her. But she is emotionless towards her elder daughter who is the reason behind her marriage with her love. Here Swara is having tears for the indirect taunt. But she is happy for her little sister. Seeing sadness in Swara's eyes, Ragini smirks innocently and asks in the most innocent tone.

Rag(happily):- That means I'm more beautiful than di too?

Par(smiles):- Obviously, my darling!

Rag(faking sadness):- Then why all people say that my di is the most beautiful girl in the world in both inner and outer beauty.

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