||Song of Destiny||

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As the taxi driver lives in the nearby area of Sunshine Orphanage, he knows SwaSan very well. So with the help of gathered people, he takes SwaSan in nearby hospital first and then asks the doctor to admit them in emergency ward. And then he calls Kavya and informs her what has happened recently and asked her to come quickly as family member is needed for any further important decision.

Here listening him, Kavya gets shocked as her suspense gets proved right today. From the morning itself, she is feeling that something bad is going to happen and it's happened now. She gets herself strong as now she must have to take every decision wisely. So at first she calls Dr Subhas and informs him of the fatal accident of Sanskar. Then asking him to come there directly, she herself gets prepared and takes the money saved by her from almirah and then she leaves for hospital.


Here in hospital, doctor has admitted Swara in maternity ward while Sanskar is taken inside OT. And after few time, doctor comes out and asks from the auto driver about the patients' family members. And then only Dr Subhas and Kavya both enter inside the hospital from different sides. And with anticipation, Kavya goes to the doctor and tells him that she is their family member.

Listening this, doctor starts - Look Ms, both husband and wife are in critical condition. As Mrs Maheswari is eight months pregnant so it will be very risky for us of her delivery whereas she is not conscious. Even we need to do the delivery before it becomes harmful for saving both mother and baby.

Kavya is numb as the baby is the dream of them. If today Sanskar gains his conscience then the baby will be the link between SwaSan. So baby should be saved anyhow. So like a selfish sister, she holds her both hands and asks the doctor - Please doctor, do anything but save both baby and mother. If operation is needed, then please do it as soon as possible.

Nodding her head, gynecologist asks the nurse to give Kavya the form to sanguine her will and asks the ward boys to prepare for Swara's delivery. Here Kavya fills up the form and submits it to the reception desk along with the advanced money.

Other side, Dr Subhas goes towards Sanskar's ward and talks with the neuro surgeon. And as per him, the accident has proved to affect hitted nerve on brain and it's bleeding very much. So it is very critical to say when will he get back his senses. And if he gets back his memory too, then he may not remember the last few years between the phase he has hit himself somewhere.

Dr Subhas himself is a neurosurgeon so he knows how much fatal this condition is! So he requests the other doctor who is well known to him, to take him in the board to do his operation as he knows it's very complicated case. He is feeling bad for Swara as she has got her love after so many bad incidents and now when they are going to enter into parental life, an accident has to occur now only.

However, they all get ready and Dr Subhas takes the lead of the operation and informs he himself will bear the hospital charges too.

And soon after two hours of wait, Kavya could listen the crying voice of baby. She is now sitting before maternity ward while Swara is being operated inside. Listening the baby's cry, she has tears in her eyes and thanks God for making her wish fulfilled. And she gets up from her seat and goes before the door in excitement.

As the door gets opened, a nurse comes outside with a tiny baby wrapped in a blue soft towel. Looking at the baby, Kavya's face adorns with a genuine smile. Really, kids are the form of God only and they mean pure bliss! But her conscious mind asks the question soundly - Is Swara di, right? Has she regained her memory?

The nurse gives her the baby at which Kavya adores it and nurse replies with a sweet smile - Congratulations! It's a baby boy. Mother and baby both are safe. And to answer your question, yes, Mrs Maheswari has gained her memory before giving the birth only. So it's normal delivery only without any complications. But being weak and tensed, she is sleeping soundly. She is given medicine and injection as well. Hope, she will be awake very soon.

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