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Swara is going to enter in the lavish Maheswari Niwas as the elder daughter in law with full rituals..would it go well with Gadodia family? No naah..so seeing her pretty much alive and with a 'baby boy' in her husband the great SM's arms..they are jealous and angry....so dadi thinks to start her drama : And that is manipulating Mrs Sujata Maheswari, the dumbest human being in the whole world.

Parvati : Aree Sujata, how could you accept a cursed girl as your bahu? Don't get yourself trapped in her game..she has abducted Sanskar beta and now has returned with her son too. She has planned well that's why she is having a boy, not a girl child..she knows well that Maheswari family will not let go off their future heir.

Listening her harsh words, Swara gets tears in her eyes.. thinking now also these people haven't successful to wipe away those bitter feelings for her from their heart. And in this they are dragging an innocent..moreover, why so different if it is a boy or girl. Meanwhile, Shekhar and Sharmistha both supports Parvati. Ragini is clenching her jaws to seperate Swara from Sanskar .. she is thinking to kill her so that this time she can't come between her and Sanskar.

Sanskar gets angry and sad at the same time. Angry because..these people are badmouthing his innocent wife which is baseless. And he is blaming himself for being the reason of her pain..in shame and guilt, he holds her hand more tightly in his clutch, as if someone is going to seperate them. Unknown to him, his hold is paining her soft hands..but he is in another world..she looks at him being astonished, and gets to see how his veins are straightening on his forehead and that shows how angry he is..how much he is trying to become calm.. seeing the sudden change in him, Swara gets happy and thinks not to mind these people's talk as they don't concern her..so what they think about her is not her problem. Moreover, she has come to win her husband's love once again so she will do that only. Her world is her husband and baby only..and in this world there is Kavya, Lakshya and this new family of hers! But she will never tolerate their unnecessary poking in her matters..other than that they can think whatever they want. She has left their thought and irrelevant blames on her many years ago.

But is it so? No .... It's not everyone's case. Except for Sujata, all Maheswari members are now irritated with their taunts. Because of Sujata only, they have been silent to accept Ragini's proposal for Lakshya. But now it's going upon head so they think it's time to break those selfish people's happy bubble.

But..but..but..Kavya comes before all and shouts in extreme anger : You, Mrs whatever! I think it's your age to chant God's name..not to blame some people unnecessarily. And after so many days upon this earth, you are unaware of the fact called DNA and embryo..man!! Okay let me clear you, uneducated people. It's the husband's semen and it's chromosome upon which it's decided whether the baby would be a boy or girl..and living in this twenty first century how could you people be so dumb? Yeah..I know it's because you get entertainment in poking your not so large nose in other's matter..it's limit of illiteracy! I pity those people who have to tolerate you everyday. Thank God..I'm orphan rather than being your granddaughter. I'm blessed, God! Because you're discriminating between boy and girl..moreover, being a woman how could you disrespect girls, dude!

She finishes her part sarcastically while Lakshya starts laughing hysterically..that adds some smile to Kavya and Sanskar's face. Swara is just nodding her head unbelievably because she knows her this sister will not sit silently when some people are badmouthing her. Here Sujata is gawking at Kavya while others are seeing her, being astonished at her carefree and honest talk.

But Gadodia family is feeling humiliated and seeing smile on everyone's lips, they are hell bent to utter nonsense.

Ragini(with hatred filled voice) :- Oye girl, before lecturing my dadi just see who you are and what's your class. Wearing modern dress doesn't mean you belong to some rich society. Being an orphan, you dare to ....

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