||Silence before Storm||

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Seeing Sanskar unconscious, Swara gets panic while Subhas and Kavya runs to Sanskar to take him towards his own room. Kavya sighs as it must be the result of the stunt she has played upon him by saying Swara and Subhas makes a great couple. However, laying him on the bed Subhas asks the ladies to wait outside while he checks upon him. Outside, Swara is shedding tears thinking how crucial his state would be now. Kavya is supporting her saying to keep believe on God as the time will heal him.

After sometime Subhas comes out and before the ladies could pound upon him for the answer he clears : "Well, it seems he has been taking a lot of stress and upon that he hasn't taken food since after morning..and moreover (looking towards Kavya), I think you should drop your plan too as it is effecting his brain badly .. though as a friend I do want to help you but as a doctor I'm bound to do my duty as well."

Listening him Swara is confused while Kavya eyes Subhas to keep it hidden from Swara because Swara will never appreciate her effort and she too knows her stunt is not right for Sanskar's health but then also she couldn't stop the sister in her. Before Swara could ask a thing, Subhas says - "I've given him injection. He will be back to his consciousness soon so Swara, you must prepare some healthy foods for yours Sanskar ji.

Listening him Swara blushes unknowingly but soon her face colour gets pale and she goes to their kitchen avoiding their questioning eyes. While both stand there confused. One question is rotating in their mind and it is - now what happened to her because some time ago she was all blushing for him but why this sudden change now?

Here Swara makes porridge for Sanskar and takes the container after covering it properly by its lid. Keeping it on table beside his single bed, Swara sits and bends down a little to kiss on his forehead and then sits there by holding his right hand in her hold. Her mind starts playing like a movie from her broken marriage to today's incident..how much she cares or loves him is not enough Because she has seen that accusations in his eyes today too. The date is changed from their last encounter to today but his hatred for her isn't changed into a little bit of love..how easily he has pronounced the word "she is money minded". She knows he has no idea of past but then also his thinking for her is same..how much she craves for love but none is there to give it to her! For whom she could give her life, he thinks her as some money minded girl..truly, there is no love in her fate, from his side!

Thinking these only, tears start to roll down from her eyes. Sighing she wipes her tears with the back of her hand. That's when the hand of his which is still in her hold shakes a little and she looks at him to find him coming to consciousness.

Opening his eye lids, he looks upward to find a teary Swara is sitting beside him by holding his hand. He gets worried to find her swollen eyes as he knows she must have been crying for him. He quickly gets up while Swara helps him. He sits there by keeping his back at the head board..and then he takes Swara in his hug before she could think further, she falls on his lap. While Sanskar is busy in murmuring - "I'm sorry jaan, I'm sorry that I've said such bad words about you. I've never thought you're like other girls who think money upon relationship as much more valuable. I'm sorry, please forgive me for using such bad words for you.. you've given me shelter and looked after me when I have been behaving rude with all..you know I've not seen you from such a long time while seeing you with that (clenching his teeth) DR. SUBHAS I don't know what happened to me..and I was only visualising how Kavya's words were getting into reality..I can't lose you, baby.. I can't think of a life where there is no Swara.. I can't live without you because (looking at her eyes with so much truth, love and passion) I LOVE YOU, SWARA..I can't lose you, not for this life and for another too..and for that I'm ready to live my life in memoryless state for my whole life, just to get you beside me."

Swara whose heart has been beating in a loud space to be so close to him for the first time, gets shocked when he utters those words. She doesn't know what to say but her mind gets struck in one word and remembering Subhas's words, she knows it's hidden from her so she further enquires : "What is the thing Kavya has said to you that you get always irritated by seeing Subhas with me?"

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