||Leap : A Mirror of Change||

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One board is hanged upon the gate of the big building named - Sunshine Orphanage. If we go through the gate we will face the huge playground. It has several little buildings inside the boundary, though all things have the sign of lack of wealth as most are in old stage. And to the right side of the playground, there is a small school where the orphan kids are given their primary education. There in such one class, one girl around mid twenties is found busy in teaching. She is animously telling some story to her little students and they are grabbing everything in a very attentive way. Their innocence and liveliness makes her smiled sometimes in her mind. She can't laugh before them otherwise they will think their Swara Didi is making fun of them.

The class is going very smoothly without any noise instead of Swara's voice because it's children's favourite class. So how could they! But soon kids' glowing face turns into frowned face. And the reason?

Actually some peon has come into their class in middle of the story. So Swara has to stop her story in middle. As she asks the reason of calling her this time, the peon gives her the answer in panting.

Peon:- Swara didi, principal sir is asking you in school ground.

Swa:- But in middle of class .. do you know the reason?

Peon:- Oh actually in our orphanage, one strange person has entered and he is not listening to anybody so principal sir is asking your help as all people love you for your sweet behaviour. So sir thinks the angry man also will listen to you. And before you ask more questions, let me tell you the person has been attacked by public so he has severe cuts in his body so his bleeding physique needs immediate attention.

Saying this the peon looks toward Swara while Swara frowns a little. But she dismisses her thought because now an ailing soul needs help. So looking towards her little students, Swara mouths a sorry and children show their cute pout towards her. Swara knows now she is in trouble because tonight they will not sleep until she completes her story. However, she gives them bribe of telling the story tonight only and goes with the peon.


Here outside the school gate, a man around thirty two years of age is sitting and his dress is quite dusty and torn somewhere. His head is bleeding, even there are several cuts in his hands and legs. It can be assumed truly that he is very much afraid from people. So when the school's principal sir or others ask him to come inside as he needs medical treatment, he vigorously nods his head saying a big 'no'. So the principal has called the most benevolent and kind natured teacher of his and that is - Swara.

Soon the peon comes there taking Swara with him. As principal has already sent the local people away saying they will take care of this man now. Swara comes there and the teachers who have been circling around that young man protecting him from outsiders' attack go away. And Swara sees the man from backside with a sympathetic look but later her face gets horrified seeing the face of the man before her.

•Maheswari Mansion•

The ever-chirpy atmosphere of Maheswari Mansion is now changed into gloomy for last two years. From the day their elder son Sanskar's marriage has been broken, the happiness of this house has been destroyed totally. It's like someone has cursed this richy rich Maheswaris to be devoid of happiness. The words of the priest - If the marriage is broken at the middle then no one can be able to stop the coming storm and it will destroy the happiness of two families along with the two lives. Because the two are born for each other for their every birth - are till now ringing in the ears of Maheswari people. But could they undo the incident? No..otherwise, they could have done it before only. Meanwhile, some people are busy to curse the poor soul and that is - Swara Bose. According to Sujata Maheswari and her daughter, it's the result of joining Sanskar's name with that illegal girl. DP Maheswari and other family members have tried to break their illusions but it has only increased their family problems so now no one stops them from their irrational ranting.

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