||Bride in Veil||

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As the BRIDE starts stepping down, all start gossiping because if SHE is here then who is in BRIDE's veil. Parvati angrily goes towards the BRIDE to unveil her but Kavya shows her hand saying she is right beside there so it's her duty. As she removes the veil from HER face all get shocked, except the people involved in the plan. Because it's none other than SWARA who is now officially known as MRS SWARA SANSKAR MAHESWARI.

Seeing this Parvati starts her drama : See Sujata ji, I've told you before only that this girl will behave as poisonous snake only after being in your house as guest. Doesn't she have shame? After doing dirty things outside, she has come to trap my good son in law. He thinks you as a good friend but that doesn't mean you'll try to snatch his wife's position from my granddaughter. Such a shameless creature! She should get outcast from our society.

May be she has many other things to say but before that AP comes forward. Meanwhile, guests and media people are seeing the drama because doing mishaps with Maheswaris is not so easy thing for anyone and even the family is standing calm. Does that mean all are involved in this drama? But why so? They are looking everything with puzzled eyes.

AP comes before seeing the media people everywhere. She thinks it will be the great timing to blast the first bomb : If you're referring YOUR ELDER GRANDDAUGHTER as shameless then does that mean she has learnt it from her family means you..opps sorry, ex-family? Well, you've asked us a favour and that is to marry our elder son Sanskar with your granddaughter. Now you've not specified which one : elder or younger..even, we have thought a lot that Sanskar is already MARRIED WITH SWARA FROM LAST TWO YEARS and even THE COUPLE IS HAVING A KID so who are we to seperate them? But Mrs Gadodia, you've thoroughly cleared your precious respect in my mind by using such low level words for YOUR OWN GRANDDAUGHTER. Do you use such type of 'praises' for her always?

Now Parvati is silent to react because they have been trapped into their own web. Shekhar and Sharmistha both are gulping hard thinking now this dangerous family shouldn't unfold their marriage mystery before all. But Ragini is thoroughly obsessed till now so without thinking much she starts screaming : This girl is always behind my happiness! From childhood only, people will say Swara is beautiful and intelligent..from inside and outside she is always generous to everybody. But why they have to praise you always, not me. (taking a breath) MY family loves me most always and you've been kept into dark so I have been quite happy. But then the destiny has to play a dirty game with me. That's why this UNWANTED GIRL's groom is Sanskar Maheswari. (looking at everyone) You know people, four years ago this Sanskar Maheswari has come to our house for MY ELDER SISTER SWARA BOSE .. (looking at everyone's puzzled eyes) Yes, it's true but that time with Sanskar ji's the then GIRLFRIEND, KAVITA SHARMA and HIS OWN SISTER's help, I've been able to break the MARRIAGE..but see today also she is sitting beside him as his bride..and it's not the end here..they have married before two years and few days ago, she has delivered his first child! How could she? Huhh..how could she take my place? I HATE THIS GIRL. I always create some situation to break her but this time I'm unable to do anything. From the time I've seen Sanskar ji....I've been in LOVE with him but for this girl, my obsession is unfulfilled so I'll finish this girl and snatch HER LOVE from her like always.

Gadodia family is horrified at Ragini's self confession..they could see the disgusting and pitiful looks on people's eyes for them. But before they could undo her saying, someone just holds her from her left arms and SLAPS hard on her cheeks. All gasp while Gadodia family is angry at the person. Parvati screams : Oye girl! It's been you too in the group four years ago to break your BHAI's MARRIAGE with this cursed girl. Now why are you slapping my Ragini?

The person is none other than UTTARA MAHESWARI. She has slapped Ragini but now at Parvati's question she is burning in rage : I've never known that you people are so much low. Your son Sekhar Gadodia has impregnated Sharmistha Bose before marriage only so you've been obliged to accept the marriage when you're biased of religion, caste and all. Even after birth, you people have denied to give that innocent child your surname thinking it may affect your so called respect in the society knowing before marriage only, your son has been a father. And there is the parents of century - Mr and Mrs Shekhar Gadodia(showing them). They have never done anything like the parents usually do. And it's been more entertaining when this spoilt brat Ragini Gadodia comes in the picture. (looking at everyone) I know I've done a sin by SLAPPING MY SWARA BHABHI AND HUMILIATING HER FOUR YEARS AGO which has resulted to make her shelterless and my brother has been gone missing..and do you people know, this girl (pointing towards Ragini)..this girl has said "SWARA IS JUST ANOTHER MISTAKE OF HER PARENTS THAT THEY WANT TO GET RID OF THEM. FOR SWARA, THEY HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE PAIN OF TRAUMATIZATION AND HUMILIATION SO MUCH THAT THEIR FAMILY WANTS TO GET HER APART FROM THE FAMILY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. BUT RAGINI JI HAS NEVER WANTED MY FAMILY TO BEAR SUCH CURSE AS IN HER HOROSCOPE IT HAS BEEN CLEARLY SAID HER CURSED FATE WILL DESTROY HER HUSBAND TOO"..SO I'VE TO DO THAT..but I'm not giving any explanation of my sin .. because I too deserve a punishment.

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