Team Sports?

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Jo's POV
I should have seriously taken Hero's offer on the ride closer to our school. Walking two blocks in my gladiator sandals is already giving me blisters. I didn't mean to sound so harsh to him, but honestly I don't want to start off Senior Year with rumors spreading around about Hero and I. I also don't want Barbie (I mean Karassa) on my back.

When I finally make it to school I have 10 minutes before first period starts. I make a quick stop at the front office for my locker number and schedule. I triple checked it online last night, so I already have a pretty good idea on my classes. As I head to the Senior locker bay, I glance at my schedule. What?! How can that be? My first period is Team Sports. I don't take ANY physical education classes for "fun". I took the required two my freshman year. Team Sports? What is that even? As I throw my stuff in my locker, I make my way to the counseling office to fix this stupid mistake. As I'm almost there, I see my friend Claire wave me down.

"Hey!!! You look amazing Jo! I went by your house but you must have already left.." She trails off.

"Yeah I had to carpool with Hero" I explain as I roll my eyes.

"Oh no! So sorry you had to ride with Mr Hotshot" She rolls her eyes as well.

"No biggie. I gotta run to get my schedule fixed. They messed up my first period" I tell her.

"Good Luck Girl! The line is out the office already" She shrugs.

This cannot be happening. I don't have time to waste my entire first day in the office. As the warning bell rings, I decide that going to Team Sports for one day can't hurt anything. I'll be done with it by tomorrow... or so I hope.

Hero's POV
I love High School. Being the best Hockey player for our school definitely has its perks. I can literally have any girl here, as they always fall at my feet every year.

I've been dating Karassa for two years now. She can be real annoying sometimes but she has her good moments. It just made sense for us to get together, I mean she is the most popular girl our school has. As I throw my backpack in my locker, I see her sitting with her group of super annoying friends. Damn. She looks good. I've been away at training so we've only been able to skype. How the school lets her get away with the things she wears is surprising. It probably helps her Mother is on the school board.

"Hero!!! You're back!!" She yells as I make my way over to them. She's wearing a tight black mini skirt so small if she bends over practically everything is on display and a barely there crop top with a sweater on top. I can't complain she looks hot, but not as hot as Pidge did this morning. Wait?! What am I thinking? I mean Pidge hides her goods and is modest yet sexy. Karassa shows the world everything.

As she gives everyone staring at us a big show of us making out, the warning bell goes off.

"I gotta hit first period Kar" I tell her.

"Aren't you going to walk me to my class, Sweetie? She says in a fake sugary voice in front of her friends.

"Can't. I'll be late. Coach has us on strict rules for the begining of the school year.." I trail off, seeing I've pissed her off, but she's brushing it off. For Now..

"Oh Rightt sweetie, I'll see you at Lunch" She says as she takes Jared's arm instead and walks to history with him. I don't really mind, since I could beat Jared's face in, if he so even touches her.

Okay, as I glance at my crumbled up schedule in my hand I see I have Team Sports for first period. This will be fun. Any physical education class is always easy for me, it's also a good extra workout time.

As I meet Cameron in the gym, I see our normal jock friends have all signed up for Team Sports as well. I'm super stoked about it, and no girls which means we can play hard and not worry about anything, except...wait. Is that Pidge talking to our teacher? Why would she be here for first period? As I walk past with Cameron I hear their conversation a bit.

"... it's a mistake that I'm in this class. I didn't even sign up for Team Sports..." Pidge pleads.

"Well there's nothing we can do now to fix it, you should have checked your schedule ahead of time Josephine, now please take a seat..." Mr Johnson says.

"... I did check it.. ughhh... nevermind" She grumbles as she takes a seat on the first bleacher.

Lucky for me, she didn't catch me eavesdropping. As the rest of the guys show up the final bell rings, letting us know our day has finally begun. As I glance at the rest of the people in Team Sports, I realize Pidge is the only girl. Oh Shit.

Jo's POV
How is this possible? As I half listen to Mr Johnson ramble on about participation, gym attire, and lockers, I glance behind me and notice I'm the only freaking girl in this class!! This has got to be some kind of sick joke. Like literally I must be part of some early senior prank. As Mr Johnson finishes up with his rules and class outline, he begins by naming two top students to be Team captains. Great. I know I'll be picked last. I seriously hate this school sometimes.

"Hero is our first team captain and Our second team captain is Cameron. Okay guys come get your jersey's and start surveying possible teammates, as the rest of you run 15 laps. Now Go!" Mr Johnson shouts.

Wait.. what? Is he serious? I didn't even bring my nike's. I have gladiator sandals on and freakin shorty shorts on. This is bogus!

As I begin running, I see some of the guys smirking back at me. Cameron and Hero are writing down names I can see for their team picks. If I seriously have to be picked last, I hope to God it's for Cameron's team and not Mr hotshot.

After running 15 laps and feeling like my feet are legit bleeding we all huddle in the center of the gym, as Hero and Cameron eye us all up.

"Hero.. Go ahead. Your first choice." Mr Johnson demands.

"I'll take Jo" He states, as all the other guys snicker.

Oh hell. And here go..

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