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Hero's POV

I explained what happened to Ma and my Coach, and thank God Coach isn't going to bench me tomorrow. I really need to play my best this season to get a scholarship, and don't need someone like Matt ruining that for me. Matt ended up being the one who is going to be benched first game, actually he was told not to show up at all tomorrow night. So that's a plus, I can't imagine playing on the ice knowing that jerk is benched by Pidge. Tomorrow night is the first big game. I'm pumped. Practice has been brutal these last two days. As I get all my school crap off my bed, I finally lay down after a hellish day. It was a full day, definitely not all bad though. Having classes with Pidge, and lunch makes it all worth it.

It's only 9, way too early to head to bed, as I go to my bedroom window, I see Jo in her room, and quick grab some paper and a sharpie marker. Going to take it back old school before we had cell phones.

I write in big letters: Hey
Jo smiles and writes back: Hi (on paper)
I write: Can I come over?
Jo: Now?
I write: Yeah
Jo: Jacob and parents aren't home until 11
I write: Perfect see ya soon

As I grab my black hoodie, and make my way downstairs, Ma is sitting on the couch on her laptop.

"Going to see Josephine?" She smirks a knowing smile.

"Ah yeah, for a bit" I tentatively say.

"No funny business, Hero. Josephine is not like those tramps you're used too..." She smiles.

"Yeah Ma. Jo actually has a brain" I joke, as I head out the door hearing Ma chuckle.


Jo's POV
This will be the first time Hero's been in my room, since like forever. I look around at my perfectly organized room, and cringe. I haven't really changed since we were younger. I'm also in yoga pants and a big sweater with a messy bun. Homework clothes I like to call them. I have my homework spread out on the floor like a jigsaw puzzle. AP classes are killing me already and its only the second week of school.

"Hey Pidge, holy crap. What is all this?" Hero asks as he lays across my bed.

"Homework. Homework. And more homework" I sigh.

"Damn. I thought I had it rough, you are too much of an overachiever" He smirks, as I pile all my stuff neatly on my desk.

"Soooo, are you ready for the big game?" I ask him, as I climb onto the bed, sitting opposite of him criss cross applesauce.

"I think so.. You're gonna be there, right?" He asks hopeful.

"I wouldn't miss it..." I playfully punch his arm, but he swiftly grabs my wrist and pulls me to him so I'm laying next to him now. My breath hitches, and I know he can tell.

"Pidge? Can I stay the night?" He asks me unexpectedly.

"Oh. You wanna stay here?" I ask nervously.

"Would you get in trouble?" He asks me as he plays with my hair.

"No my parents won't be home until late, and they don't come into my room. Mom's sleep schedule is so different with her shifts at the hospital.." I ramble on.

"Okay, cool. Do you need me to leave so you can change or something?" He asks me, seeming just as nervous as I am.

"Oh. Umm no it's okay. I'll just change here" I smile shyly, as I grab his old jersey and my fuzzy socks.

"So.... this is nice.." He laughs.

"Why the hell are we so awkward?" I giggle.

"Because Josephine. I'm a fucking idiot for losing you before. You are a goddamn goddess and an amazing human being. I don't deserve you.." He trails off.

"Well we are together now" I smile, as I scoot closer to him. "Snuggle Me?" I ask.

"You got it Pidge" He whispers into my hair, as I scoot my body flush to his. Damn this is harder than I thought. How do I sleep? Suddenly Hero starts to snore loudly. Well guess it wasn't that hard for him..

Tomorrow is Game Day. A day I'm actually quite nervous for. I haven't been to one of his games in forever. I'll be damned if Karassa thinks she's Hero's number one fan this year. I need to bring my A Game. Show Hero how much I support him.

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