Hero's House

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Hero's POV

Skipping the party tonight is the least I can do. Ma has been nagging me to be at one of these dinners for a couple of weeks now. It's not like I dislike them, I just have other things I like to do. Our parents became friends in the hospital when both Pidge's Mom and my Ma were in labor. Back then they had to share a room until it was time, I guess. Anyway long story short, Pidge and I basically grew up together and have been super close, until I fucked it up in middle school.

It was our 13th birthday, and we always spent our birthday together.. well that year I was a jerk and blew Pidge off, without a word. She apparently waited for me at my front steps basically all day, because we were going to go to the roller rink together. Kinda our tradition. Well I ended up going, just not with her. I know, I know, total dick move on my part. A bunch of my new hockey buddies wanted to come and they invited the popular girls from our grade. I had such a stomachache the whole time, because I knew better than to blow off the ONE person who mattered most to me. After that birthday, we grew apart and didn't talk. Dinner nights were awkward, and I missed a lot of them with hockey practices. High School years, we both had different focuses, so I was suprised Pidge has talked to me this much. It's the most since that birthday. Can't say I blame her. I would take that day back and redo it 100%.

As I pull into the driveway, I glance at Pidge and see her side glance me.

"What were you thinking about?" She asks.

"Me? Nothing, why?" I shrug.

"You had a lot of different emotions on your face just now.... don't worry. I'm sure Barbie will take you back" She rolls her eyes.

"Yeah that's not what I was thinking about, but thanks." I confess as I grab my backpack and head for the door, just as my Ma meets us at the front door as well.

"Hi Mrs. Johnson" Pidge smiles and hugs my Ma.

"Josephine! Now you know you are to call me Ma! Just like always! You look very beautiful, I love your first day of school outfit. Hero! Tell Josie she looks pretty" She scolds.

"You look very pretty Pidge" I smirk, as Ma playfully swats my backside.

"You're parents said they are running late, they will be here in 15 minutes with Jacob. He had a late practice I guess, so make yourself at home as always" Ma smiles at Pidge, as she goes into the kitchen.

Pidge slides off her fancy sandals and sits on the sofa, and grabs her phone. She glances at me, and laughs.

"What?" I ask.

"You look so uncomfortable. Does my being here make you nervous or something?" She asks me, as she leans over to grab her backpack, and her perfect little ass is right in my view with those damn white shorts.

"I just I'm just not used to seeing you here.."

"I'm here every other week Hero. It's YOU who's never around anymore" She shrugs, as she bends over once more in those damn shorts. Does she know what she's doing to me?

"Well, this year is going to be different" I declare as I plop next to her on the sofa.

"Uh-huh. I'll believe it when I see it.." She mumbles as I scoot closer to her.

"Umm there's plenty of room over there, ya know" She says nervously.

I scoot closer then lean over and grab her feet and start tickling them nonstop, like I used to when we were kids.

"Oh my god!! Stop! Please! Hero!! I'll punch you!" She gut giggles and shrieks.

"Now who's the one uncomfortable" I smirk, as I wink and settle back on the sofa and flick the tv on.

"Hey you two! Settle down in there.." Ma yells from the kitchen, but I can totally tell she's smiling when she says it.

Just as we agree on a rerun of The Big Bang Theory, Pidge's phone buzzes on the coffee table. I can't help but glance at it, and feel an uneasy feeling, I'm not real familiar with. It's like Anger and protectiveness? Jealousy. My God, I'm fucking jealous.

"Why is Matt texting you?" I ask.

"Why do you care? wait! why are you snooping?" She says with a roll of her eyes.

"I just know he's not the nicest guy to be friends with.." I say, ready for a smart comeback from her.

"And you are??" She laughs, but its a sad laugh, that doesn't reach her eyes.

Just then Pidge's parents and brother walk through the door, along with my Dad.

"Hey Guys!" Pidge smiles, back to her regular self.

"Hero! You're here! Are you staying tonight?" Jacob asks trying to hide his excitement.

"Yeah Bud. I'm going to be here tonight" I say as I glance at Pidge and see her smiling at me.

"Cool! Wanna play Call of Duty?" Jacob asks, as he flicks on my PS4.

"Absolutely" I laugh, as I see how comfortable he is at my house, just like Pidge is.

I have to say, I actually missed being around during these weekly dinners. I just hope being here doesn't backfire with Karassa and cause more grief for Pidge later on.


After Pidge and her family go home, Ma smiles a knowing smile at me.

"What's with the smile Ma?" I ask as I throw the dishes in the sink.

"You like her" She declares.

"Like who?" I ask, playing dumb.

"Josephine. You like her Hero. I can see the way you look at her. You need to dump that stupid Blonde, and ask Josie out, honey." She tells me.

"Jo hates me, Ma.. and it's not that easy. We are just friends. She just started actually talking to me again" I confess.

"Well.. don't wait too long Dear, someone will scoop her up. She's quite a catch" My Ma winks at me.

"Yeah, yeah" I mumble, as my mind drifts back to Matt. He hasn't had one serious relationship, Ever! Pidge deserves so much more.

"Hey Ma, do you happen to have Pidg-I mean Jo's phone number?"

"Of course Dear" She smiles a wide grin as she writes it down for me.

Here goes nothing...

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