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Hero's POV
Pidge remembers. She has her memory back. I am so beyond happy, I can hardly contain it, until I see she is angry. She holds her phone in her hand, as she demands me to get out of her room. My best friend is kicking me out, without even letting me explain the whole fucked up situation. The nurse takes me into the hall, with a kind smile.

"Honey, it's all going to be okay. Go home and rest. I'll talk to Josephine" She tells me as she kindly rubs my shoulder.

All I can smuster is a half smile, as I try to swallow the emotions sitting in my throat. I will not cry. I will not cry. I can hold it together. I think these thoughts over and over as I pace outside next to my Ma's car. Fuck it. All I see is red and my anger is taking over. I know I promised Pidge no more fighting, but someone has to pay.

I don't even remember the drive to Matt's house, but somehow I'm parked by his mailbox. I see his car, his "pride and joy" fancy as fuck, Camaro. In less than two seconds I've got my pocket knife out and I'm slashing his tires, kicking and smashing his headlights out. I see a large rock as "decor" in his Mother's garden and without giving it a second thought, I pick up the enormous rock and throw it aganist his windshield, shattering the glass. There. One down. One to go. As surpring as it is, no one came outside or approached me while I did this. Some neighbors they have, I think to myself. Dealing with Karassa will be a bit different. She could give two fucks if I did something to her car, so I decide to go and really hit her where it will hurt. Luckily, her designer clothes are hanging out on the line, where their maid always does her laundry. I take my knife and slash them all over and rip the expensive material all over. I even rub some in the muddy grass, just because. When I'm fully satisfied, I hop back in my car and speed away. I know these things are wrong, but honestly this is nothing compared to the accident they caused. They almost killed someone, my someone, My Josephine. I broke materialistic things, that can be replaced.

As I finally pull into my Ma's driveway, I make the slow walk inside up to my room. Once my door is closed, I finally let out what I've been holding in. My tears. I cry so much, that my eyes are swollen and itchy beyond, when I hear car doors and look out my bedroom window to see Pidge being helped inside her house. She's home. I need a plan. I have to prove my love for her. I can't lose the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I stay up almost all night working on my "secret" to hopefully win Pidge back. My Ma comes in to wake me for school, but I haven't gone to bed yet.

"Hero? Sweetie. Did you even go to sleep?" She asks while looking concerned.

"Ma, I'm not going to school today" I confess. "I need to show Pidge I didn't cheat. I need her in my life." I declare.

"Well, honey. I support you, and I wasn't going to make you go to school anyway" She smiles a knowing smile, as she leaves the room.

Here goes nothing...

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