Just one day.

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Jo's POV

It feels so good to have slept in my own bed. Hospital beds are just so uncomfortable and those darn lights are so bright. I slept the entire night, with only a few night checkups from my Mom, Dad, and even Jacob. I stopped the pain medicine thankfully. I hated how it made me feel. I felt so out of it, and unlike myself. Mom says if the pain returns I have to restart them. It's nice having a nurse for a Mom, it's because of her that they let me leave so soon from the hospital. Thankfully I have no broken bones. The only real problem was losing my memory temporarily and the pounding pressure from the impact in my head. The Doctor said I am a very lucky girl. I am grateful that it wasn't worse, I just feel broken from Hero.

How could I honestly be so stupid? Of course a player and star athlete would go back to Karassa. She's got everything and more. I'm so ordinary and probably very boring compared to her. Hell, I haven't even slept with Hero, I'm a virgin for crying out loud. There is absolutely no way he wouls stick around for me. As I crawl out of bed, and turn on the shower, there's a knock on the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" I answer a bit annoyed from my thoughts of Hero. It feels like its all I ever think about lately.

"Mom wanted me to check on you" Jacob ask as he shifts from foot to foot uncomfortably.

"No pain at all" I say giggling. "Did you need to use the bathroom Jacob?"

"Oh my god, Yes!!! Thanks Jo!!!" He yells as he slams the door in my face.

I go back to my bedroom to grab my clothes for the day (No school yet, Doctors orders, so I've got a date with the living room couch and daytime game shows today, seeing its only Tuesday). The plan is to go back Thursday if I'm still moving in the right direction. I jump out of my skin when I see Hero sitting on my bed, with his hands nervously in his lap.

"Hi" He mumbles as he scrambles to his feet quickly.

"Hi" I answer back, feeling a flood of emotions in my heart.

"Just one day." He says, as he takes my hands into
his and smiles a hopeful smile.

"One day? What are you talking about? Wait. Shouldn't you be in school?" I ask confused.

"Give me One Day. Let me prove my love for you Pidge- I mean Josephine. You are my entire world. Please. Just one. day"

I stand like an idiot completely speechless. He said he LOVES me? He wants to spend the day with me? What about the picture? What about Karassa? What about his player ways? A million thoughts are running wild through my brain. I must have an apprehensive look on my face, because his hands become clammy and he nervously runs one hand through his hair, Like he always does.

"Alright on one condition.." I say at the same time as he does.

He chuckles, and says, "you first."

"We don't speak of the accident or the text" I say as I bite my lip trying to hide the lump in my throat and tears about to spill. So much for being confident and fearless. I'm like putty in Hero's hands. He can seriously make me a mushy softy.

"That's what my condition is too. Also you have to wear this blindfold in the car" He smirks, as he walks towards the door of my bedroom.

"I'll be in the living room hanging until you're ready. Have a nice shower" He says with a
smile, as he walks out.

What the hell did I just agree to? Just One Day. Hero loves ME?! This is all so much. As I take my time showering and getting ready, I have a swarm of butterflies in my stomach. Just One Day. Here we go.

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