The Realization

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Hero's POV
She doesn't know who I am. I never in a million years thought this would happen. I thought yeah, maybe broken bones or a critical injury from the impact, but memory loss? That never even occurred to me. As Pidge's family try to jog any part of her memory, it doesn't seem to help at all. The Doctor said it could be a few hours, days or worse case years. I know I sound selfish but we just got together and I'm so in love with her, know she doesn't know me? How unlucky can I be? It's been 6 hours since the accident, and I can't manage to get myself together. I keep pacing the waiting room, trying to give her space, and not add pressure, but my whole life is in there struggling to remember her life, and I can't do a damn thing to help.

"Hero, honey" My Ma says kindly.

"What?" I snap back at her. Not meaning too, just the frustration taking its toll.

"You need to come back home with me, we can come back in the morning hun. It's almost 11 Dear" She gently tells me.

"I'm not leaving Jo. I don't care if she doesn't know me right now. I'm staying." I declare.

"Alright Sweetie, just please try and rest. Jo's Mother will be back in a few hours, she had to take Jacob home" She tells me.

"K" I say, as a Cop comes over to me.

"Are you here for Josephine Langford?" She asks me carrying Pidge's bag and a few things from my car.

"Yeah, are those from the scene?" I ask as I grab them from her.

"Yes, it looks as maybe she checked her phone, and that's what initially caused jthe accident, but we can't be 100% sure, and Ms. Langford not having memory doesn't make things easy.." He states.

"Thanks" I mumble, as I set Jo's stuff done, and unlock her phone. Was she trying to text me? and got into the accident? I hope to God I didn't cause this.

As I see an unknown number texted her before I did, I open the message and cannot believe my fucking eyes. It's an image of Karassa sitting on my lap on the bus, when she fell onto my lap. The angle of the picture though- looks really shitty and makes it out that I'm totally okay with it. FUCK! Do the hell did this? Suddenly I remember Matt and Karassa sitting together on the bus- looking uncomfortable by the news of the accident. They fucked with the wrong dude. My poor Josephine can't remember who the fuck I am because of them. How can life turn upside down so quickly??

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