Happy Birthday.. Part 1

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Hero's POV
Today is the day. It's Pidge and my birthday. We are both 18. It feels like just yesterday, we were little kids. I can't wait for her to find out the surprise I have planned.

"Happy Birthday Baby girl!" I whisper as I watch a sleepy Pidge open her eyes.

"Happy Birthday Hero!" She smiles, as she does a cute little yawn and stretch.

"Don't open this until I leave" I instruct, as I slip on my shoes, and head back to my house for a quick shower. Sleeping at Pidge's house has been sort of a regular thing.

"But we agreed no presents!!" She pouts.

"Just open it" I smile, as I slip out the door.

When she opens it, our adventure will truly begin. I hope she's ready.

Jo's POV
As I carefully open the envelope Hero handed me, I read it out loud.

It reads:

Today is our Birthday, yay for us. Do me a favor and give me your trust. Pack a bag- but don't take too long- your ride leaves in 30. So hurry along...

What?!! Omg! He really has something planned. But he didn't say what...? How do I know what to pack? Me being a perfectionist, I yell to my Mom, as I frantically dig out a backpack.

"Mom!!!" I yell.

"Happy Birthday Love" She smiles mischievously, as she leans against my door frame.

"Do you know what Hero has planned? What do I pack???" I question, as I start destroying my closet.

"Hmmmmm... let's just say, a swimsuit might come in handy, and perhaps a toothbrush..." She grins as she starts to walk away.

"Wait! Is it an overnight trip?" I ask, as I bite my lip nervously.

All I get for a response is a wink from her. Damn. He's good to be in cahoots with my Mom. As I pack two bikinis, 3 outfits, 1 dress, my best panties and bras, my jammies, my heels, sneakers, flats, a buttload of makeup and hair supplies, and my pillow, I realize my suitcase makes more sense. So now I shove everything in there instead. I race to the shower, and jump right into the freezing water. I don't have time to waste. I gotta still plan my outfit. Arghh. Being a girl is time consuming!!

As I walk out of the front door, I'm only 5 minutes late. Hero is leaning against his car, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Hmmm... 35 minutes Pidge?" He smirks.

"Yeah.. yeah... You're lucky it's only 5 minutes late" I smirk back.

"Jesus. Why did you pack your fucking bedroom?" He teases as he throws my suitcase in the back.

"A little birdy told me, it may or may not be an overnight?" I wink.

"Damnnit Mrs Langford" He laughs. " I knew she wouldn't keep it a secret."

"So where are we headed?" I ask, as I buckle my seat belt anxiously.

"You'll see" He smirks, as he rests his hand on my upper thigh.

The drive is peaceful. We sing along to the radio and dance like fools. After we've been driving for about an hour, I still have no clue where he's taking me. We are now in the big city, but when he pulls in to the airport, I am unbelievably frazzled.

"We're flying somewhere?!" I ask in disbelief.

"Yep" He says popping the P.

"I don't have my passport, or anything..." I panic.

"I have it, thanks to your Mom" He smirks, as he parks and hands me all my papers.
"What do you have up your sleeve?" I grin.

"Pidge, I love you, but you gotta stop looking at me like that" He explains. "When you bat those damn eyelashes, and pout- seriously. I want to do very naughty things- an airport probably would frown upon" He whispers into my ear, as we go to check in.

As we wait at gate number 6, I finally see the destination on the screen above me. Hero is taking me to..........

To Be Continued.....

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