Breakfast for Two

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Hero's POV
I got the best sleep I've ever had in my entire life. Sleeping next to Pidge felt so right. She's so small and fits perfectly in the nook of my arm. Also I noticed she snores a tiny purr. She's a fucking perfect angel. I decided to sneak out, so I can have time to get ready for school and our carpooling- without being seen by anyone in her house... except my plan doesn't work.

"Hero? What are you doing here?" Mrs Langford asks as she's zipping her lunchbag.

"Oh.. Uh Hi Mrs Langford.. I was just uh.. leaving. We fell asleep studying last night.." I lie.

"Oh how sweet. No worries Dear, I trust you with my daughter" She smiles as she grabs her coat.

"Next time, maybe sneak out the window... Jo's Father might not be so cool with it.." She laughs while smirking as she leaves for work.

How Awkward..

After I shower and put on my jersey for good luck today, it's an away game tonight. I wish I could drive up to the game with Pidge, but the team's gotta ride on the bus altogether. Thank goodness, Matt won't be along. As Pidge comes out of her house, she looks jaw-dropping hot. She has on my oversized hockey sweatshirt, she must have snuck out of my car, and ripped jeans that show off a lot of skin. Trust me- I'm not complaining, and of course her Nike Air Force Sneakers.

"Hey Beautiful" I smile, as I kiss her cheek.

"Do I look okay?" She asks tentatively.

"Never ask me. You ALWAYS look good Baby" I tell her, as I open her door for her.

"Thanks" She blushes.

"How about we hit up some breakfast before school?" I suggest with a smile.

"Hero, school starts in 15 minutes" She complains.

"Well, let's skip Team Sports today, I need a little extra time with you" I nervously say. Sharing my feelings has never been a strong trait of mine, But with Pidge, there isn't enough time in the world to spend with her.

"I would love that!" She grins, as she squeezes my hand.

We grab breakfast sandwiches from Mcdonald's and a large coke to share and head down to the Levee. It's Fall and starting to get chilly, but we sit on the wall overlooking the water and enjoy the autumn colors and cool crisp air together. Well she enjoys the view of autumn, I'm enjoying the view of the most beautiful girl in the world who's sitting beside me.

"Are you nervous for tonight?" She asks me, while swinging her feet back and forth.

"Naaaa, Parkview High School doesn't have anything on us.... an easy win" I explain.

"Well I'm excited to see you play. It's been forever since I've been to one of your games.. like freshman year.." She says. "I'm going to drive up myself right after school, how far is it?"

"It's about an hour and a half away, I want to drive with you, back to town though" I tell her, while I take her strand of hair away from her eyes.

"You don't have to.. I can drive by myself, Superstar" She giggles.

"I know we've only been dating for a week or two, but I just want you to know... uh.. I...Lo-..."

"Oh my God!! Hero! It's 10:15! We are going to be late for Chemistry!!!!" She giggles as she takes off running to the car.

Smooth.. real smooth. Tried to tell her my feelings, and epic fail. Tonight. I will tell her tonight. I need to make it special. She's not one for big gestures but its happening. She needs to know I'm not messing around with her.


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