Fast Forward..

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Jo's POV
I can't believe that senior year is over. As I nervously hold my notecards in my hands, I can't help but glance into the crowd of my graduating class and lock eyes with the one person who calms me. Hero. This year has been the best year, because not only is it the end of high school, but I got to experience a love I've only ever dreamt about. Even with the accident, the petty fights, the memories and our New York trip, I flash forward to today. When the princpal announces my name, the butterflies settle and I walk proudly to the podium. Not only was I known as the Biggest Nerd/ bookworm whatever you call it, I also got the best thing, The Player. As I take a deep breath I start my speech, hoping that Hero finds it worth while.

Well, Guys! We did it. We made it through High School. I know many of you aren't really here to listen to me babble on and on about the future. So let me give you one thing to think about. Anything is possible. Our life is a journey and sometimes it can turn in a completely different direction. I was pretty lucky. I found my forever. It was actually right in front of me this whole time... Hero Fiennes Tiffin, not only were you the bestest Hockey Player this school has ever seen, you were also a cocky, asshole.... BUT looking past your exterior, I found my childhood best friend. The love of my life. I know this speech is suppose to be about all of us (our graduating class) but I just want to say, Hero Fiennes Tiffin, will you forever be mine? Will you Marry Me?

As the crowd of faculty and parents, along with our graduating peers sits in silence, and looks to find Hero's reaction. He is no longer in his seat. As my own panic starts to sink in, Hero appears in the center aisle, and smiles with tears in his eyes.

"Yes" He says, as he makes his way to the stage. The crowd actually cheers like some cheesy rom-com movie, and I can't help but feel whole. The player and the nerd.... who knew?

The End

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