The Accident

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Hero's POV
We are about halfway to Parkview, and Coach is on his cell phone looking irritated as hell. I wonder what is going on...

"Hey Listen Up.. They've closed the highway right outside of Parkview because of some accident, so we have to wait until they clear the damage before we can pass.." Coach complains as he tells us.

"Fuck. Are we going to make it on time for the game?" Cameron asks.

"I'll let Parkview know about our situation" Coach says as he gets on his phone.

I grab my phone to text Pidge, that we are running late because of an accident.

"Hey Love, accident outside of Parkview.. gonna b late. C ya soon" I text her.

When I don't get a reply, I wonder if maybe she's already sitting with my Ma at the game. No worries, I'm sure she'll check her phone soon. As we come up to the part if the highway, that's blocked off, most of the damage looks to be cleaned up, except for the massive amount of glass shattered all over.

Oh my fucking God.

"Stop the bus!!" I yell as I bolt up from my seat.

"What's wrong Tiffin?" Coach yells confused.

As I literally jump out of the bus before its even completey stopped, I run over to the EMT's and cops standing around the accident seen.

"Sir, you'll have to stand back" A Cop says sternly.

"That's my car! My girlfriend was driving that!! Where is Pidge- I mean Josephine Langford?!" I scream, frantically running my hands through my hair, as I feel my world slowly closing in on me.

"Both parties were sent to Parkview Hospital in critical conditions" The EMT smiles, like she's some cheerful know-it-all.

"We can take you there, if you'd like, Son" One of the Police Officers offer.

"Fuck. Okay thanks" I yell as I sprint back to the bus to tell Coach.

Coach isn't happy, but I don't give a flying fuck. The rest the team gives me sympathic looks, except for Karassa and Matt. They are both looking very uncomfortable right now. No time to even think twice about it though, as I run back to the Cop car.

Please let Pidge be okay. By the looks of my Car, the entire front was smashed into the back practically. I hope to God she is okay. Please God let my Josephine be okay.

Author's Note
Hey Guys! Short Chapter, but I need to know your thoughts!!! Comment and Vote Please!! Already working on next chapter for yall 💜

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