Ready or Not..

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Hero's POV
So as it turns out, Pidge's Dad is really good at Law and knowing the ropes. After being behind bars for approximately 45 minutes, he was able to get me out with the exception of community service, and abiding by the law, I will have a clean record from here on out.

"Hero, I'm so sorry!!" Pidge sniffles as she hugs me tightly.

"Hey, hey.. it's okay. I'm fine. I joined a gang in there, but other than that..." I joke as Pidge playfully punches my arm.

"Let's celebrate, wanna come over and hang out?" She asks me, in her cute and innocent way.

"Absolutely, but I should probably fill Ma in on everything.." I begin to say, as Pidge's Dad waves it off.

"Already taken care of Bud. You two go have fun. I'm going to go pickup Jacob" He smiles.

As we drive to Pidge's house, I can tell something is on her mind. Her leg is bouncing up and down and it's caught my attention.

"Pidge? What's on your mind Love?" I ask as we pull into her driveway.

"Okay.. so please don't get mad.." She starts to say, which already puts up a million red flags in my mind. She explains Matt's Ultimatium, and I'm livid. How the fuck could he actually think of some twisted revenge like that. Thank God, she didn't go through with it. I would be so broken without her. It would he unbearable.

"I wanted to be honest with you, I want us to be good, and I feel like so many things just keeping getting in the middle of us..." She explains, but I cut her off with a slow kiss.

"You are fine. You're perfect actually" I whisper as I lean my forehead against hers.

"So, for our birthday next weekend.. I sorta have plans for us" I blush as I nervously tell her.

"What?! Are you serious? Like what? Tell me, tell me, tell me!" She begs, as we get to her bedroom.

"It's a complete surprise. All I can say is this, It will blow your mind. I already okayed it with your parents, and my Ma" I smirk as I play with her hair, as we lay on the bed.

"Hero?" Pidge whispers as I look into her eyes.

"Hmmm?" I hum in response.

"I love you" She says, as she straddles my middle.

"Pidge. I fucking love you" I whisper, as we both hear the front door slam and her Mother yell out a Hello.

"Haha.. I didn't plan to get interrupted.." She starts to say.. But I shush her.

"There is no rush Pidge. When you're ready, I'm ready. It's a big deal, and I want you to feel 100% comfortable and ready." I explain, as I watch her expression soften.

"Okay.. sorry I'm not really experienced and-.." She starts to say but I stop her.

"I want to be your first, last, and forever" I whisper, as I nuzzle into her neck, and wrap my arms around her waist.

"I want that too" She whispers, and smiles.

"We better get to studying.. Wouldn't want to fall behind anymore than you already are" I joke to her.

"Hey! I'm not falling behind!" She laughs as she throws a pillow at my head.

"Yeah okay" I joke, as we take out our chemistry books and get to work.

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