Chapter Nineteen

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Juliet's P.O.V

I felt my body hit the hard ground, signifying that we finished appariting. The man still had a strong hold on my hair and shoulder, while ropes were wound around my arms, so that I couldn't fight back and escape. I glanced around and from what I could tell, we were in a dark cellar, which looked to be more like a jail house. The man shoved me so hard into a small room with bars on it, that I lost balance and fell. I couldn't hold my hands out to catch my balance, so ultimately my head slammed onto the concrete wall and I slipped into a dark unconsciousness.

I woke up and felt very dizzy. I let my eyes adjust to the darkness, but I most likely have a concussion from my fall. The ropes have been taken off of me, so I felt the back of my head and there's dried blood on it. How long have I been down here? There's no windows, so I can't tell the time of day. I crawl to the bars to see out. There's a few other cells, if you could call them that, down here, but I can't see if anyone is in them.

"Hello?" I whisper yell out into the darkness.
No one answers.

"Hello?" I call out a little louder, but this time a very weak voice calls back to me.

"Is someone there?" they ask. They sound drained out.

"Yes, how long have you been here?" I ask

"I'm not sure, but I assume a few weeks or so," they reply

"Crap" I say realizing it could take a long time to get out of here. Wait a second, I could just use my wandless magic. I step backwards and close my eyes. I imagine the bars to the cell melting into nothingness. I open my eyes and the bars are still there. They spell proofed it. I go back over to the bars to speak to the person.

"You still there?" I ask even though I know they are.

"Yeah," they reply. I can tell that it's a female because she has a more feminine voice. But of course I could be wrong and it could be a boy.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Narcissa Black" they respond.

"Black? Are you related to Sirius Black?" I ask. Black is a common last name, but it's worth a shot. It takes a minute before she responds.

"He was my cousin, but he's been disowned" she says quietly

"Why are you down here?" I ask

"Long story" she says

"I've got time" I say. She sighs.

"I'm meant to marry Lucius Malfoy, an arranged marriage, but I refused. They've locked me down here so I can learn my lesson. Once they let me out, I marry him or I die" she says sadly.

"So you're just going to marry him?" I ask

"I have no choice" she chokes out. Seems like she's taking the cowardly way out to me. If I'd been forced to marry someone I didn't like, Sirius lets just say, I'd let them kill me. But it isn't my life. We sit in silence for a while, not knowing what to say.

"I remember Sirius saying something about an extremely psychotic and bitchy cousin. He didn't happen to be talking about you, was he?" I ask. She doesn't answer me "Because I happen to think you're nice" I add in for good measure.

"Thank you. But no, he was probably talking about my sister Bella" she says "Sirius and I have never seen eye to eye, but we don't hate each other as much as him and my sister do" she says

"Right" I say. I hear a door open and slam shut. I hear footsteps nearing where Narcissa and I are.

"Pretend you're sleeping" she whispers to me. I crawl to the back of the cell and lay down in the same position I was when I woke up. Maybe they'll think I'm still knocked out. I squeeze my eyes shut when I hear the footsteps stop in front of the bars.

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