Chapter Sixteen

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Juliet's P.O.V

After a two hour drive from King's Cross, we finally pulled into our driveway.

"I'm taking the night shift at the office, so mom and dad should be home with Liam in about an hour" said Matthew. He tossed me the keys to the house. "I'll see you later kiddo"

I threw open the door to my little, blue house and looked around. It looks the same as it did the day we moved in four months ago. I'm starving, so I walk over to the kitchen and raid the cabinets. When's the last time mom went food shopping, because there is literally nothing. I grab a banana off the counter and make myself a cup of coffee. Oh how I've missed you, coffee.

"Hello" a voice says from behind me. I throw my coffee up in the air and scream. I turn around expecting to see a murderer, but instead standing in front of me is a short blonde girl with her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail - Elle.

"Elle! What're you doing here!? You must be the surprise mom was talking about" I look down at the coffee spilled all over the carpet "look what you made me do" I laugh. I pick up the shards of broken mug and clean up the coffee

"I'd expect you to be a lot happier to see me considering you've been away for FOUR MONTHS" she shouts.

"You're right" I say hugging her

"I've missed you Juliet! School has been horrible, I've had to deal with that crazy girl Paige. She won't leave me alone since you left. I'm starting to think the only reason she used to leave us alone was because you scared her away or something" she sighs "how's school been for you?"

"Great actually, I've made a couple of friends. The only bad part is that you have to put up with annoying people because they practically live with you. It's different since our old school didn't board"

"Are you staying the whole break? For Christmas too?" I asked her

"Yeah, my parents decided to take a trip to Australia, without me" she rolled her eyes "I happen to think Britain is more exciting than Australia though. So what're we doing for your birthday?" she asked excitedly

"Actually, I was planning on meeting a few friends at the cinemas. You're welcome to come along if you'd like. I think you'd like them, especially Remus. Speaking of which, are you dating anyone since I've left?" I ask

"No, all the cute boys are taken. What about you? I'd bet Hogwarts has much better looking guys than back in America" she sighed

"Yes, it's perfect! Oh and no to the boyfriend thing" I say

"My being single is perfect?" She asked

"No, I think you and my friend Remus would really hit it off. He's coming to the cinemas with us, so you can meet him then" I say excitedly

The door opens and my parents and younger brother Liam walk in.

"Juliet!" He says running to hug me

"Li!" I say swinging him around

"I missed you!" he says

"Hey mom, dad" I say

"Hello darling" my mom says kissing me on the cheek

"Long time no see" my dad says high fiving me

"Elle and I are going to bed now, it's pretty late. See you tomorrow?" I ask

"Of course" they say

*Morning of Juliet's birthday*

I wake up to Elle's loud snoring and I can't go back to bed. I smack her in the face with my pillow for waking me up with her annoying snores.

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