Chapter Ten

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Juliet's P.O.V.

"As a side note, Professor McGonagall and I thought it would be a perfect time to announce that we are in fact, holding a Halloween masked ball on October 31st. The party is for fourth years and up and will be held by our head boy and girl, James Potter and Lily Evans. You are to come in either a dress or dress robes and a mask . Well then, have a great time in Hogsmeade!" Dumbledore said as we were finishing up our breakfast

All the girls squealed and all the boys groaned. Personally, I hate balls. I'm a horrible dancer and you wouldn't catch me dead wearing a dress. I think I'll sit out on this one.

"Juliet, while we're in Hogsmeade, we could go shopping for dresses and masks. I'm afraid they'll be all sold out if we don't get them today. All the girls are sure to be buying theirs the second they get into Hogsmeade" said Lily from beside me

"I don't think I want to go to the ball Lily, I hate dancing and dresses. But I'd be more than happy to help you pick yours out" I told her

"Don't be silly, I can't go all by myself, now can I?" she said

"You've got Alice and Marlene though"

"Yes, but they're not you"

"Should I take that as a compliment?" I giggled

"Take it however you want, but we're buying you a dress and you're going to that ball. Now come on" she grabbed me by my hand and dragged me out of the Great Hall

The dress store was packed with girls from fourth year and up trying to get their dresses. Lily and I witnessed two girls having a fist fight over a red silky dress. Crazy I tell you. We searched the racks for ages looking for the perfect dress. Lily had already bought hers. It was a long emerald green dress that matched her eyes and went perfectly with her hair color. She's made me try on at least fifteen dresses by now and I refuse to buy any of them because they're either to vibrant and flashy or too big and poofy.

"How about this one?" she asked as she held up a long, elegant pink dress with jewels bordering the top and end

"Pink isn't my color, besides that's ugly" I responded as I shook my head

"You've said that about every dress I've showed you so far. I'm starting to think you're just saying they're ugly because you don't want to go to the ball" she whined

"That's because I don't want to go to the ball. How many times do I have to say it? I probably won't get asked to go anyway"

"Oh shut it, Juliet. Sirius praises the ground you walk on. You can tell by the way he looks at you. And I'm sure Sirius isn't the only one who'd jump at the chance to go to the ball with you. Consider yourself lucky that you're not being forced to go with someone. Head boy and girl have to attend together and that's not my idea of fun"

"Well I greatly dislike Sirius, so I would never go to the ball with him. And you and James are perfect together, so how about you shut it" I said jokingly. She narrowed her eyes at me before returning to the racks to look for more dresses.

"How about we go get something to eat or drink. Isn't there a place called the Three Broomsticks or something?" I suggested

"But we haven't found you a dress yet. All of the dresses will be gone by the next Hogsmeade trip" she said

"Maybe I'll just have my mom send something to me. She'd love that. But only if I get asked to go. Can muggles send return owls?" I asked her as we walked out of the dress shop and made our way to the Three Broomsticks.

"No we're not allowed to, it's too risky I suppose. But a short ways from here there's a muggle post office, but you're only allowed to use it if you have permission from your head of house considering it's neither on the Hogwarts school grounds or in Hogsmeade. I've used it a few times to see how my parents are. The problem with it is it takes exactly three days for them to receive it. " she said

"That's annoying" I said

"I guess it is" she replied "We'll have two butterbeers please" Lily told the woman working the counter.

"Oh no, I'll have a coffee, if you have it" I said

"One coffee and one butterbeer coming right up" she smiled at us

"I'll find us a table" I said. The place was pretty packed but I managed to find a table in the back. I was looking out the window at the castle when I felt somebody slide into the seat next to me. I took my gaze away from the window looked at the two boys one across from me and one next to me.

"Sorry, but I was saving a seat for someone" I said and neither of them moved "so could you get up?" I asked

"Justin Grant" the blonde boy from across me stuck his hand out totally ignoring my request for him to leave "a pleasure to meet you" he smirked

"Juliet Mercer, likewise. And you are?" I asked turning my head to the brunette boy sitting next to me

"Max Grant, this idiot's twin" he said

"Have you got a date to the ball?" Asked Justin

"No. But if you're asking me to go with you then yes, I do " I said slowly

"Interesting" he said

"Oh look, there's my friend Lily. I really should be going" I said just wanting to get away from them. I got out of the booth and ran up to Lily taking my coffee out of her hand

"Who were you talking to over there?" She asked with a raised eyebrow

"Just some jerks, they're twins, can we drink these while we walk back to the castle?" I said

"Hot jerks, at that. Yeah let's go"

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