Chapter Twenty Five

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All of my friends have been ignoring me for almost two weeks now because I didn't tell them about me being a magnecromancer. Alice and Marlene forgave me about a week ago, but they're not who I truly want, I want my best friend Lily to forgive me more than anything or anyone else. And Sirius, James, and Remus would be a plus. I've been so depressed lately, there's no fun in my life anymore. I sit alone in my classes or with Peter, but honestly, I'd rather sit alone. My day goes something like, eat alone, sit in classes alone, go to bed feeling like crap because my friends hate me, repeat. That leaves me with just the two of them and they're starting to drive me insane. Don't get me wrong I love both Alice and Marlene, but I think the nail polish and hairspray fumes are going to my head.

I'm doing my defence against the dark arts homework in the common room and we're covering the topic of werewolves. I've never been prejudice of werewolves, but I don't really have an opinion because it concerns me not. The common room is full of students cramming in last minute homework before the weekend ends. We have to write twelve Inches on how to tell a werewolf from an animagus. I glance outside and there's a beautiful moon that seems like it will be full in a matter of days.

An animagus can transform into an animal at will whilst every full moon a werewolf has no choice but to transform. A werewolf looks and acts like any normal person other than the full moon.

Sirius, James and Remus walked into the common room laughing. They glared at me before sitting on the other side with their backs turned to me. I rolled my eyes. They can be so dramatic sometimes. You'd have thought I was a mass murderer who was plotting to kill the whole of Hogwarts and the three of them were first in line. But of course Peter wasn't with them. Maybe he has a secret girlfriend or something, who knows. I flipped through the pages of the textbook looking for something worthy to write about animagi and werewolves.

You can't necessarily tell whether or not someone is a werewolf, but many times they have thin scars all over because the wolf sometimes attacks itself.

Remus has thin scars all over. Weird.

If you take notice, they are often 'sick' once a month when full moons occur because right before the transformation, in their human form they become weak. For more information about werewolves see 'Hairy Snout, Human Heart'

Remus is also sick once a month right around when full moons occur. Is Remus a werewolf? Nah, he would have told me, right? But then again, why would he have when I didn't tell him about myself. So if Remus didn't tell me something and I didn't tell him something, we're even. He has no reason whatsoever to be mad at me.

And that explains why they call him moony, but why are James, Sirius, and Peter called Prongs, Padfoot, and Wormtail? I flipped to the animagus part of the textbook.

The process of becoming an animagi is very difficult and may take months to complete, but when done a person can transform into an animal that resembles their personality at will.

It would totally make sense if they were animagi, I mean it explains why they have those weird nicknames for each other. Padfoot for a dog or cat or something, Prongs for a deer, and Wormtail for a mouse or rat.

I threw the textbook to the side and jumped out of my seat, the people around me glared. Most likely because my face was a bright red. I stomped over to where the three boys were and stopped when I was standing right in front of Sirius. I'll deal with the others later.

"You stupid, hypocritical oaf!" I screeched. He stared at me with a confused look on his face. I pulled my hand back to punch him. I aimed for his nose, but he tried to duck earning him a punch to the eye. Well, what else do you expect from a girl who grew up with two muggle brothers?

"What the hell was that for?" He yelled

"For the past two weeks you've made me feel like total crap Sirius Black! Telling me that you can't trust me because I've kept such a big secret from you? Well you're one to talk. I cannot believe you - oh don't act as if you don't know what I'm talking about. You're like some kind of cyborg or something. No emotions at all. Not guilt, not pity, nothing!"

I looked around to see the shocked faces of James, Remus, and Peter. When did he get here?

"Calm down Juliet!" James tells me

"I already am calm you idiot!" I yell, if I wasn't calm before, I'm not sure what I am now because that statement made me even more mad than I already was.

I brought my voice down to a loud whisper. The common room was buzzing so I was sure nobody would hear me.

"I know what you all are. Animagi. Illegal none the less. And a werewolf" Remus had a look of sadness on his face "and I wish you would've told me"

I looked back at Sirius and mustered a look of both anger and sadness. "I hate you" I said before trudging off to bed. My words may have been harsh, but I meant them all the same.

I face planted on my bed and screamed. Alice and Marlene knew better than to ask. I kept my face buried in my pillows until I saw the lights flick out and I heard them both get into bed. Only then, did I leave the dorm and head out of the common room into the dark corridor. I need to clear my mind of all irrational thoughts. I like taking walks at night because the world is more to my liking. It's not as loud as busy and often times I wonder how it can go from so occupied to so desolate in a matter of hours. I walk down the way to the Great Hall, then to the corridor, then back around to the common room. With the castle being so big, it takes me a good fifteen minutes at a rather slow pace. I come up to the Fat Lady, tap on her picture again for the second night in a row, and tell her the password.

"Again?" she asks

"Yeah, sorry" I whisper. She opens the portrait hole and I walk into the common room and sit on one of the big red sofas. I stare out the window and watch the deserted quidditch field. I notice the couch sink in next to me, so I tear my eyes away from the window and onto the person next to me. Remus Lupin sits there with his hands folded and a sad look on his face. We sit in silence for a few minutes before he finally speaks.

"I'm very sorry Juliet. If anyone were to understand what you were going through, it defiantly should have been me. All my life I've been shunned from the wizarding community. Nobody trusts a werewolf and I don't blame them. They're rather horrible creatures. I shouldn't have ignored you and I know it must have been very degrading. I know it always was when I was a kid. Some of the only people who accept me for who I am are Sirius, James and Peter and I didn't want to lose them by siding with you. I didn't want to side with anyone actually, but it's hard when your best mates are mad at them. I completely understand though, if you never speak to me again for what I am" he says. I think of a response for a minute before I speak.

"I have absolutely nothing against werewolves Remus, of course I'll speak to you again. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you all about myself as well. But Sirius seems to think I was lying, but I wasn't, I just kept it to myself. There's a big difference" I say. I pull him into a hug to let him know there are no hard feelings.

"I'll sit with you tomorrow at breakfast if you'd like. You know, so you don't have to sit alone again. And in classes too" he tells me

"Thanks Remus, I'm in need of a down to earth friend" I tell him

"Now we just need Lily and Sirius to forgive you" he says

"And James" I add

"Nah, James was never mad" he says

"Right, he's just in love with Lily, so he'll side with her no matter what" I say

We both laugh and joke about how we could set up Lily and James for the rest of the night. I bet 10 galleons Lily would confess her love for James by the end of the week, and Remus bet she would confess her love for him by the end of the school year. He doesn't know what I know though. I can already tell Lily likes him.

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