Chapter Seventeen

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Lily's P.O.V

After we said goodbye to Juliet, Elle, and Remus, James and I went to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. Everyone except Sirius thought we were going home to our own houses, but Sirius only knew because he's sharing a house with James. I'd hate to think what Juliet would do if she found out that I lied and snuck off with James. I wouldn't exactly call it lying though, just not telling her everything I do suits it better. I know what you're probably thinking. Why in the world am I sneaking off to get ice cream at a quarter to ten with James? Well, I've come to realize something. When I told James that I wouldn't go out with him because he was arrogant and a bully, he tried to change his ways, which by the way have improved dramatically since the first time I told him that in 2nd year. Of course it takes time to break habits. When I told Severus that I didn't want to go out with him, nor did I want to be friends with him because he goes around calling people names such as mudblood, he went on and joined the deatheaters. This tells me that James is the bigger person and values what I say, while Severus could care less and handles rejection horribly. I'm not 'dating' James, per se, it's more like I'm spending time with him privately. I really want people to know that I no longer hate James, but I can't just say one thing for 6 years of my life and then randomly change my mind, can I? So here I am, sitting in a deserted ice cream parlor with James while the woman behind the counter watches us intently, as if she's waiting for us to snog or something.

"What flavor would you like Lily?" he asked me

"Mint chocolate chip please" I smiled. He pulled a few galleons out of his pocket and walked up to the counter. I looked out the window to my left to see an almost pitch black Diagon Alley. It's weird how dark and deserted it is because I'm so used to it being bright and lively. I'll keep in mind to only come in the day from now on, it's a lot less depressing.

"3 scoops of mint chocolate chip for the lovely lady" he says sliding the cup of ice cream over to me. He has cookie dough.

"Why thank you, kind sir" I reply using the same posh tone he does

He sits across from me and we start talking about everything from our families, to our favorite color, to our biggest dreams. Time passes a lot quicker than I would've imagined.

"As much as I don't want this adorable date to end, the parlor closes in 5 minutes" said the woman behind the counter. I blushed a deep red.

"Er, it's not a date actually" I corrected her. For a second I could see a wave of hurt flash over James face, but as quickly as it was there, it was gone.

"Sure it's not" she replied knowingly. James just laughed.

"Okay, let's go James" I said

We walked out onto the street and into the leaky cauldron. We were planning on using their floo powder to get back to our houses.

"Thank you James, I'll see you back at school?" I asked although I already knew the answer

"Of course" he smiled

I stepped into the fireplace and threw the floo powder at my feet "4 Privet Drive!" I yelled

As soon as I landed in the living room of my house the was a deafening scream. I turn around to see my lovely sister, Petunia sitting on the couch with a magazine in her hand.

"Stop appearing out of the fireplace you freak!" she shrieked. I rolled my eyes at her.

"What were you doing out so late anyway? Out with your lunatic magic gaggle I suppose" she said nastily

"It's none of your business where I go" I told her. I opened up the cupboard under the stairs and hung my coat up in it. I tip toed up the stairs to my bedroom, being cautious not to wake my mum and dad. My parents had always been supportive of me going to Hogwarts and being a witch. The only person that truly hates me for it and thinks I'm a psychotic monster is Petunia. Of course my parents could also think I'm a psychotic monster and they're just doing a good of hiding it, but I like to think they don't. I brushed my teeth, changed into my pajamas and was out cold within a matter of minutes.


I know it was really short, but I promise to make the next chapter longer!

If you have any Harry Potter fan fictions that you've written or any good ones that you've read, please comment the name of them because I'd love to read them!!

Colorlover14 is writing an amazing Sirius Black fan fiction called 'Echo in the Stars' and you should give it a read.

Thanks, Alexa <3

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