Chapter Eight

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Juliet's P.O.V

After dinner, we all made our way down to McGonagall's detention. Fabulous first impression if I say so myself. Notice my sarcasm. I'm so glad I came to Hogwarts. Don't get me wrong, I miss my best friend Elle like crazy, but Hogwarts is magnificent. It's so much better than my old wizarding school back in America. My family moved to Surrey because my older brother Matt got a job as a doctor here and my family didn't want to be so far away from him. I also have a younger brother, but he's 7. My entire family are muggles. I got the witch gene from my great grandmother, but I've never met her.

We walked into McGonagall's room and she was sitting at her desk. "Glad you guys showed up. You will be scrubbing the floors of my classroom" she said with a smile

We all moaned. She made buckets of soapy water and sponges appear. "I'll be back in an hours time. I expect the floors to be sparkling. Well, get to it then" she took our wands away, put them in her desk and walked out of the classroom.

"Does she honestly think we're not going to steal our wands back?" asked James

"I'm already on it" replied Sirius. Partners in crime, those two. He walked over to the desk and tried opening it "Its locked" he growled.

"Good. We're not allowed to be using wands anyway" said Lily

The truth was, I could have unlocked the drawer to McGonagall's desk if I wanted to. I can do wandless Magic. Dumbledore gave me a book on it when I came to hogwarts. Supposedly, only extremely powerful witches and wizards can preform wandless Magic. These witches and wizards are called magnecromancers. You're born with it, you can't learn it. It takes a lot of energy though and if I use too much I could pass out. When I came to Hogwarts, I thought it would be best to tell Dumbldore about it, since after all, he is one of the most powerful and influential wizards to live. He says if I practice every night with it, I could control it better and potentially not pass out. But it's not something I go around telling everyone. It can be embarrassing at times. The book said that as you get older, more abilities start to show. I haven't finished reading the book yet, considering its huge and I only got it a few days ago.

I walked over to the soap bucket, grabbed a sponge and started scrubbing. Everyone did the same except for Sirius. We were all on our hands and knees and he was sitting on McGonagall's desk watching us.
"Is something wrong with your hands?" I asked nastily.

"No my hands are perfectly fine, but I prefer to watch"

"Stop being an arsehole Black. Get on your hands and knees and start scrubbing like the rest of us" I said

Everybody stared at me like I had three heads. I guess it's not everyday Sirius Black gets told off by a girl.

"What are you going to go get McGonagall or something?" He asked teasingly

"Certainly not" I said "I'd be perfectly fine solving the matter on my own. Perhaps by inflicting physical pain, I dare say?"

These Hogwarts kids have yet to learn that I have a hot temper and when someone pisses me off, I don't have a problem with threatening or yelling at them. But truly, I am a nice person underneath.

Sirius scrambled to the soap bucket, grabbed a sponge, and started cleaning. I chuckled. I have that power over people.

The rest of the detention went fast. We goofed around a lot and James, Remus and Peter were teasing Sirius for obeying my command of helping scrub the floor.

"Wow Padfoot! That's a first, nobody ever tells you what to do" they said. This statement caused Sirius to throw his wet sponge at them and eventually, it turned into a war. We all joined in. The walls were becoming dripping wet and we were all drenched from head to toe with bubbles. And before we knew it, our hour was up and McGonagall came back. She stared at the mess, completely appalled. She took out her wand and cleaned it all up. She didn't even give us detention! I suppose it was because she thinks it will just happen again.

She walked over to her desk took out our wands and handed them to us.

"Out! All of you!" She said loudly
We quickly scrambled out before she changed her mind about giving us detention. We were laughing hysterically as we walked down the corridors.

I can already tell, these people will be my best friends. Okay maybe not Black, but definitely everyone else.

Once I got into my dormitory, I put my pajamas on, brushed my teeth, shut the curtain to my four poster bed and took out the book Dumbledore gave me called "Being a magnecromancer" and started reading.

The word magnecromancer originates from thousands of years ago. The word itself means great witch or wizard. The first power that shows through is almost always wandless magic, which starts around the age of 10 or 11. Any other powers that a magnecromancer has, normally show through around the age of 17. Some magnecromancer abilities that have been recorded in the past are, being able to sense others emotions, being able to read others minds, being able to control elements such as fire, water, earth and wind, being able to send messages directly to other people's minds, being able to morph into any animal at will and being naturally abled at being a spell-smith. There are only two magnecromancers born to every century, which means there could be other abliities we do not know about, but magnecromancers always are able to do wandless magic. Magnecromancers do not obtain all of these abilities, they only have a few, depending on the witch or wizard, their personality and how powerful they are.

Magnecromancers do not pass their magical abilities onto further generations, but there is no doubt that their offspring are powerful wizards and witches and will do great things. We ask anyone who believes they may be a magnecromancer, to please register themselves at the ministry of magic, otherwise you are an illegal magnecromancer.

Of course the ministry wants people to reveal themselves as magnecromancers. They fear that people will become bigger and stronger than them. They think the best way to keep this from happening is keeping tabs on them, when it certainly isn't.

My eyelids could stay open no longer. I quickly fell asleep thinking of the abilities I would have. After all I turn 17 in only a few months.

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