Chapter Twenty One

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Sirius' P.O.V

Once we all flooed into the Malfoy Manor's living room, we immediately heard blood curdling screams. I had a horrible feeling in my gut that they were Juliet's screams. Three deatheaters were sitting in the room we flooed into enjoying the screams from the other room. James, Remus, Elle and I sent stunning spells at the before they knew what was coming. We took their wands away just in case. Even though it wasn't the brightest idea we've ever had, we decided to split up and find Juliet. I heard cries from far away, so I tried following them. I followed the noise through about 5 different rooms before I came to the back of my crazy cousin Bellatrix's head. I stunned both men that were with her and then I stunned Bellatrix. I ran over to Juliet and surveyed her unconscious being. I grabbed her arm where blood seemed to be spilling out of and on it read 'cowardly mudblood'. I ripped the sleeve off my long shirt and wrapped her arm in it before picking her up bridal style. I ran as fast as I could back the way I came.

"Guys I got her!" I yelled from the living room. Remus came running in.

"Oh my god" he said looking at the blood soaked shirt sleeve around her arm.

"Hurry up, get James and Elle, she's heavier than she looks" I tell him. He runs out of the room and comes back a minute later with James and Elle behind him.

James frantically smashes the bottle of floo powder on the ground trying to break the lid off. He gets it open and throws floo powder down at our feet

"St. Mungo's!"

I feel a pull at the back of my nasal passage and I try hard not to drop Juliet as I step out of the fireplace. With James, Elle, and Remus hot on my heels I run up to the girl at the front desk. On the way I accidentally hit Juliet's head on the counter.

"Ah! Sorry Juliet!" I said rubbing the spot on her head that I hit. She was still out cold.

"Oh my, she needs immediate care sir, put her here!" the girl from behind the counter said pulling a stretcher out from the supply closet. I placed her on it and three nurses came out and wheeled her away.

"Could I go?" I ask one of the nurses.

"Are you her spouse?" she asked me

"Uh, yes?" I said

"You're lying" she says before following Juliet's stretcher into one of the hospital rooms. I sigh and turn back to Elle, Remus and James.

"Now what?" I ask them

"I should probably go home and tell my parents where I am and what happened" James says. I don't want him to leave me alone with the two lovebirds, Remus and Elle, but I understand. "But I'll be back soon" he adds

"Do you think I should let my parents know too?" asked Remus.

"You could always just owl them" I tell him. I don't want him to leave me alone with Elle, I don't even know her that well.

"I could, but it's 1 o'clock in the morning, so they won't receive it" he says

"That makes it Christmas Eve" I tell them

"Guess so" Remus says glumly "let's go James. I'll be back in the morning, probably about 6. I want to see Juliet once she recovers" he says

"Alright, I'll be here" I say

Elle and I walk into the waiting room of the hospital and awkwardly sit there.

"So, what's up?" she asks trying to start a conversation.

"Nothing" I say not in the mood to talk when the girl I love - I mean like - is unconscious in a St. Mungo's hospital room.

"Are you alright? I mean Juliet tells me you like her and all, but you seem very distraught" she concludes

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