Chapter Fifteen

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Juliet's P.O.V

I made it to the Hogwarts Express right before it took off from the station. Another minute and it would have left without me. I scanned the compartments for Lily, Marlene, and Alice. I spotted Alice in one of the compartments at the beginning of the train, but I walked straight out when I saw she was making out with Frank Longbottom. Not a pleasant sight. I walked down to the other end of the train where James, Sirius, Remus and Peter said they would be. I don't want to sit with them, but what other choice do I have since I can't find Lily and Marlene. I slid the door open to their compartment and to my surprise Lily was in there. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Lily liked James. She's been voluntarily sitting with him lately and she doesn't flip a lid when he comes near her anymore. I'll ask her about that later, although she'll probably deny it.

"Hey Juliet, what did Dumbledore want?" asked Lily. I looked around. These people are the closest friends I've had since I've moved from America. Dumbledore said something about choosing who I told closely. I'm not so sure about Peter though. I'm not really good friends with him.

"I'll tell you later Lily" I said deciding to keep it to myself for now

"I'm holding you to that" she smiled

I looked over at Remus to see he was engrossed in a book.

"Remus!" I called and he looked up at me "on the 20th Lily, Sirius, James and I are going to the cinemas if you'd like to come with. We're seeing the exorcist. You too Peter" I said realizing it would be rude if I invited all his friends and not him.

"No, I'm good. I hate scary movies" said Peter

"Sh!" I lowered my voice "Sirius and James don't know it's a scary movie"

"Oh sorry" he said looking away

"So Remus, are you in?" I asked

"Wouldn't miss it" he smiled before returning to his book

I can't wait to get off this train. My brother, Matt should be waiting for me at King's Cross. He'll be waiting around platform 10 of course because he's a muggle and has no idea how to get on platform 9 3/4. I've explained it to him multiple times before I left during the summer, but I think he's rather scared to try walking through the wall. My parents can't get me because they're working, but if there's anyone I've missed the most, it's definitely Matthew. I've also missed my best friend Elle. Maybe my parents will let me visit her back in America when school lets out for the summer. I think Remus would like her actually. They're exactly alike. Both very smart bookworms who are obsessed with getting good marks. Maybe I could set a meet up for the summer, assuming Remus doesn't find a girl by then.

I was brought back to reality when Sirius was snapping in my face.

"Oi! Juliet! Have you been listening to anything we were saying to you?" he asked

"No, I'm sorry, what were you saying?" I said

"You should change into muggle clothes because you're still in your Hogwarts robes. We'll be there in about ten minutes I think" he says

"Thanks" I grabbed jeans, a grey sweater and my white converse from my trunk "I'll be back in a minute"

I walked to the girls bathroom and the line was about fifteen people deep. No way am I waiting, the train will be at King's Cross by the time they're all done. I look over at the boys bathroom and there's no line. It seems rather far-out, but it's just this one time. I just hope no one sees me. I slip into the bathroom and make sure to lock the door behind me. I change quickly and walk out the door.

"Juliet? What're you doing in the boys bathroom?" asked someone from behind me. I spun around to see the person that I've been avoiding for weeks since the Halloween ball, Justin.

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