Chapter Twenty

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Sirius' P.O.V

Remus, James and I are playing wizard's chess in the living room, and not to brag, but I'm kicking butt. It's me against Remus, and James plays the winner. Mr. And Mrs. Potter are at work, and I can't imagine why they decided it was a good idea to leave us alone. Maybe because they trust Remus to keep us in check. The phone rings and Remus goes to stand up.

"No! You can't just leave! We have a game to play" I tell him

"Sit back down Moony!" says James "You've got to beat him, I want to play you"

"Fine" he sighs sitting back down. The phone stops ringing and we continue our game. Not one minute later, it rings again. I give Remus a warning look not to pick it up.

"What if it's your mum and dad?" he asks James.

"They'll just have to wait until our game is over" James replied. The phone stopped ringing.

"Yes! I captured your piece" I tell Remus. The phone rings again and we all look at each other.

"I'm picking it up" says Remus as he walks to over to the house phone. James and I plop down on the couch and listen to Remus' conversation to see who could possibly want to speak to us so badly.

Remus has a frightened look on his face. After a few seconds he replies.

"Calm down, have who?" he asks

"Who's taken her?" he asks again



We ask each other at the same time. We turn back to hear what else Remus says.

"Come over right now, floo over" he instructs

James and I run over to the fireplace to see who comes out and Remus is right on our trail. Elle comes stumbling out of the fireplace with tears streaked down her face.

"Elle? Are you alright?" I ask as I help her catch her balance.

"No! It's Juliet! They have her" she croaks she tosses a note and a necklace at me.

The necklace, I've seen before, it's the one Juliet wears all the time. I quickly read the note and look back at her. I pass it to James and Remus.

"We have to go get her" I say

"I'll come with you!" says Elle

"It says bring back up. Don't you think we'll need a little more than just four teenagers with wands?" ask Remus

"Right, we need Lily!" says James

"There's no time!" I say frantically "we have to go now! I know the Malfoy Manor inside and out because I've been there many time with my mother for dinner parties. The floo will take us straight into the living room. Keep your wands out they'll be waiting for us. They probably will be keeping Juliet in the cellar. When we break in the cellar door is two rooms to the left and three more rooms to the right"

They all look at me with sincere looks on there faces.

"Got it?" I ask

"That's such a dumb idea" says Remus "let's do it"

"Malfoy Manor" I yell as I throw the floo powder at my feet.


Juliet's P.O.V

I've been locked up in this cell for about 3 days now which makes it the day before Christmas Eve .and I haven't had anything to eat or drink. The man that guards my cell slips in a piece of bread here and there, but I'm certainly not eating something that's likely to be poisoned. The human body can only survive for 7 days without water and almost a month without food, so it looks like I have a good 4 days before I die of thirst. Narcissa was let out yesterday and now I have nobody. I've been trying to talk to the guard named Gavin, since he's the only living person around, but he's rather grumpy.

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