Chapter Four

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Lilys P.O.V

I woke up on the later side that morning, so I got dressed and ran downstairs to the great hall before I missed breakfast. Marlene, Alice and Frank were already there. Alice had been going out with Frank Longbottom since last year. It was not until I sat down that I noticed a girl I had never seen before was sitting next Marlene.

"Good Morning Lily! This is Juliet Mercer, she's new, her family just moved here. She'll be sharing our dorm with us now that you've moved into the Head girl dorm" said Molly

"Nice to meet you" I said while chewing my pancakes.

"First day of classes today, I really hope we don't get too much homework" said Marlene

"You say that everyday Marlene. Besides it doesn't matter because you won't do it anyway" said Alice. We all giggled because we knew it was true

"Who's that boy that's staring at you Lily?" asked Juliet

"Probably James Potter. He's been in love with Lily since first year" said Marlene

"Well he's headed this way along with another boy" said Juliet

"Hello ladies" said James sitting down next to Juliet being that it was only open seat and Sirius sitting next to him.

"What do you two want?" I asked rather rudely

"We just wanted to meet this lovely young lady" said Sirius

"Hi, I'm Juliet. I just moved here from America. It's very nice to meet you" Juliet said while extending a hand.

Sirius gladly shook it and then started talking to James.

"Quidditch tryouts next week, James. Now that Wood's gone, it's bound to be a mess" said Sirius putting his head in his hands.

"No, it won't be, I've got it sorted out" James replied nonchalantly which probably meant he didn't have it sorted out.

"I'll be trying out for the chaser position" Juliet chimed in

"I'm a chaser too" said James

"You're really trying out? I didn't think you were... that type" replied Sirius causing me to smack him on the arm.

"And what 'type' did you think I was exactly?" asked Juliet with a tone of annoyance

"I don't know, just not the type that's good on a broom I guess" he replied unsurely.

"Stop talking if you have nothing worthy to say, Sirius. We'd better get to class, otherwise we'll be late on our first day" I said finishing up my breakfast and standing from the table before leaving the Great Hall.

Hey guys! I know that was a boring chapter, but it was just so you could get to know Juliet. Next chapter is in a different P.O.V!

Lots of Love

Alexa <3

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