Chapter Twenty Two

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Sirius' P.O.V

It's now been three full weeks since we were informed that Juliet was in a coma. I fear that not only the nurses are starting to give up, but her friends as well. She missed Christmas and I'm sure she won't be happy about that. I've sat in her room with her every second I get because it's not like I'm wanted anywhere else anyway. I go to James' house for the occasional shower and clothing change. Elle spends the most time in the hospital second to me, but not by a landslide. James, Remus, and Lily visit once in a while, but at this point there's not much to do or say. School is about to start up again, and I refuse to go. Well actually it's 'illegal' to refuse to go to school without a parent or guardian's consent, so I actually have no choice in the matter. But i'd rather not go back if Juliet isn't with me. I try speaking to Juliet, in high hopes that she's able to hear me, but it's hard to think of things to say to someone who can't talk back to you. I'm currently sitting with Elle in the waiting room of the hospital, since visiting hours are well over.

"Sirius" she says trying to get my attention. I don't answer. I'm too lost in my own thoughts.

"Sirius, I'm leaving to say goodbye to Remus. I'm catching a 6 o'clock flight back to America. Term starts again in two days and I really can't miss it" she says sadly. I hear what she's saying, but I have no comment to make.

"You'll owl me if Juliet wakes up right?" she asks.

I finally avert my eyes away from the same while tiled hospital floor, that I've been looking at for the past three weeks and look Elle straight in the eye.

"When she wakes up" I correct her.

"Right, I'm sorry" she says. I can see tears starting to glaze over her eyes.

"Uh, it was nice meeting you Sirius, I hope to see you again sometime soon" she says before sauntering out of the waiting room. I find myself completely alone again, as I have for the past few nights. I close my eyes hoping to get a few hours of sleep, although I doubt that's possible when I'm sleeping on a wooden chair.


I wake up around 6 in the morning, which means visiting hours are on again. My feet automatically take me to Juliet's room, for they've been that way so much that they know it by heart. I open the door to her room and plop down next to the bed, only to realize that she's not in it. I look around the tiny room and I'm all alone.

I tell myself that maybe they moved her to a different room, but it's unlikely they would do that without telling me, since most of the nurses know that I've been here waiting for the past few weeks. I speed walk out the door my mind roaming the possibilities. I slam into somebody and knock them down, in my effort to find where Juliet is. There's a few books on the floor that I knocked out of the person's hand.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry" I say collecting the books off the ground as quick as I can.

"In a hurry to where?" the person answers. Wait, I know that voice. I turn around and in front of me stands the short, brunette girl that I've been longing to speak to for weeks. I drop the books, and in all my excitement, I kiss her. She shoves me backwards, but I was still holding onto her, so she falls on top of me on the floor.

"SIRIUS!" she screeches. She's clad in a hospital gown, which is now disheveled and hanging off her shoulder. She scrambles off of me.

"Uh, sorry, don't know what took over me" I laugh nervously. Oh god, lack of sleep is finally taking over. I never laugh nervously.

"I should go tell the others that you're awake" I say turning around. She grabs my wrist.

"No! I have questions, get back here" she warns

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