Chapter Twenty Six

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Lily's P.O.V

I have been ignoring Juliet for a while now, but if I hadn't been, I would have told her to get up because today, she stupidly decided to take Sirius' usual seat near the back of the classroom. Knowing Sirius, he thinks he owns that seat and probably won't let it slide, even if it is for Juliet. Actually that doesn't make a difference, he's mad at her anyway, as am I, so what do I care? I watched as him and James strolled into the classroom. It's Sirius' day to sit with James, we trade him off every other day with Peter now.

Sirius stopped in front of the desk Juliet was sitting at and glared at her. She could tell he was there, but she was choosing to ignore him. He cleared his throat loudly before speaking.

"You're sitting in my seat" he said waiting for her to get up

"Oh sorry, I didn't realize it was your seat" she said rudely

"No, I'm pretty sure you did realize it was my seat, since I sit there every single day" he said nonchalantly. She shrugged at him before turning to Remus and starting a conversation.

He stood there for another minute as she spoke. I could see his jaw tighten.

"Get up Mercer, before you regret it. I can make your life a living hell if I want to" he spat angrily. Now, we all know Sirius can be a total liar, a cheater, a pig, an idiot, a wanna be hot shot, completely narcissistic, and utterly self absorbed, but one thing he's not is mean to his friends that love and accept him, even if he's very mad. Juliet's face contorts into a look of shock. She slowly picks up her books and stands up from the chair, her eyes never leaving Sirius. She turns to walk away, but I can't hold my tongue any longer.

"Don't speak to her like that Sirius! Sit back down" I instruct Juliet.

"You have no right to tell me or her what to do. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not the only one who's been ignoring her, you have as well" Sirius points out.

"I may have been ignoring her, but as least I'm not spitting nasty remarks at her, that make her feel horrible" I say.

"Don't turn this around on me, Evans. You're the one who told me about her, if you hadn't, then maybe I wouldn't be pissed off, maybe I could sit in my regular seat, maybe I wouldn't have to threaten her to get up, and maybe I would still be in- you know what, never mind. It's your fault and you know it" he tells at me.

"You're just in a nasty mood then because everything you're saying is completely irrelevant. And honestly, I can't see how any of this is my fault. You're the one who chose to be mad at her" I say.

I can hear the herbology teacher starting her usual beginning of class run through, but Sirius and I bicker right over her. She doesn't seem to notice, she always was a little ditzy.

"Do you hear what you're saying? You're mad at her too!" Sirius said loudly.

"Her has a name" Juliet chimes in.

"Stay out of it!" I say to her.

"Now you're doing the exact same thing you told me not to do. Yelling at her" he tells me.

"James! Tell your friend that he's stupid please" I say to James who was trying to listen to the lesson, a first for him.

"No Prongs, tell your friend that she's a hypocritical oaf" Sirius tells James.

"Don't you dare use my own words against people Black" Juliet says sternly.

"Sirius you're stupid. Lily you are not a hypocritical oaf, don't listen to what Sirius says" James says in a monotone voice.

"They're not your words" Sirius says to Juliet ignoring James.

"And that's not your seat. Glad we're on the same page" Juliet nods and turns her head away from him to look at the professor.

"I cannot believe I used to like someone as horrible as you" Sirius mutters under his breathe. I stare at Sirius in disbelief. He did not just say what I think he said. James stares at him with wide eyes too.

"You - stupid - moronic - disgusting- man whore-pig!" I say. Between every word is a punch in the gut.

"Black, Potter, Evans, and Mercer, I've had enough of the fooling around back there. Detention in my room at seven" the professor calls out to us.

I glared daggers at Sirius who walks off and sits down in the only open seat next to none other than, Justin the Ravenclaw that was obsessed with Juliet. Ha, serves him. I'm at an all time record of two detentions, and it's only January. I need to pull my head out of the clouds and focus. I'm not looking forward to detention tonight.


Juliet's P.O.V

The professor left the four of us in her classroom alone with 100 lines to do. 'I will not be disruptive and abuse other students in class' for Lily and 'I will not cause ruckuses or annoyances in class' for Sirius, James and I. We were each situated in the four corners of the room, by choice. I wanted to be as far away from Sirius as I can be. If it's even possible, I dislike him more than I did before. Remus had been trying to put in the good word for me, but it isn't working out, considering nothing's changed.

It was weird how Lily was standing up for me today in Herbology. The only reason I could think of why she would do that is she still wants to be friends. Line 67........ Line 68...... Line 69. I lifted my head up and looked at Lily, but her eyes were already on me. I sighed, as she motioned for me to come over to her. I picked up my piece of parchment and pen and sat next to her at the desk.

"Look, Jules-" she starts, but I cut her off

"Don't call me that" I snap

"Right uh, look Juliet, I really shouldn't have told everybody about your powers or whatever you want to call them. I acted rashly and didn't think before I did it and I just want to say that I'm so, so sorry and I miss you so much and if it isn't too much to ask, would you please forgive me?" she said quickly. I let out a deep breath. I'm a sucker, what can I say. I pull her into a hug.

"I've missed you too Lils" I say

"Don't call me that" she says imitating me. I let out a laugh as I pull away from her.

"Friends?" I ask

"Best friends" she replies. An amused laugh cuts into our heart to heart speech. I turn my head annoyedly towards Sirius.

"I don't mean to intrude on your girl time, but it's 10:30. Finish your lines, I don't want to be stuck here all night" he says. James looks at him and then back at us. He says nothing because he doesn't want to get in the middle.

"I have so much to tell you. You know Justin? Well-"

"Who?" I ask confused

"Justin Grant" she says. I shrug having no idea who she's talking about. This has been happening to me a lot lately.

"You went to the ball with him? Gryffindor? Twin brother Max in Ravenclaw?" she prompts.

"No idea" I say

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were losing your memory" she laughs. I laugh along with her, even though I consider the matter could be serious. I let it go thinking nothing of it.

Shortly after, the professor dismisses us and we head back to our common rooms. Lily and James hang a right to their common room, while Sirius and I hang a left. His long legs take him miracle distances, while my short legs are no match for his. He's clearly avoiding confrontation with me, so I let it slide and walk at my own pace back to the deserted common room.


Hey guys, I've been neglecting this story for so long, but as you well know, life gets in the way. I feel apologies are in order, so I'm sorry my lovely readers! I'll be sure to update quicker, pinky promise. It's short, but it's something. Who else hates Sirius right now? Just kidding, how could we ever hate Sirius? Even if he is a brat at times ;)

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