Chapter Thirteen

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Juliet's P.O.V

There's only twenty minutes left until the ball and Lily, Marlene, Alice and I have been getting ready for almost three hours. I never knew it could take so long to paint nails and do hair. The dress my mom sent me arrived this morning right on time. It's a gorgeous navy blue ball gown with diamonds lining the top and the straps. It's a little too flashy for my liking, but I can't get another one on such short notice. Along with the dress she sent me five inch heels with diamonds and studs all over them. I don't know how that's going to work out since I've never worn heels before, let alone five inch ones. I just hope I don't embarrass myself too much. Lily is curling my usually pin straight hair into loose beach curls. Alice is doing my makeup to match my dress. I tried to tell her the navy sparkly eyeshadow was overboard but she would listen. Marlene is painting my nails a silver sparkle color to match my shoes. We all had masks to match the colors of our dresses.

"Alright you're finally done Juliet, look in the mirror!" shrieked Marlene. I walked - scratch that - stumbled over to the floor length mirror and took a look at myself. I looked stunning.

"You look absolutely beautiful" said Alice "you should wear your makeup like that more often"

"Every guy is going to be jealous of Justin, I'm sure of it" said Lily "especially Sirius"

"Thank you so much guys. I don't know what I would do without you" I said pulling them into a group hug

"Alright let's go!" said Alice.

We walked with our arms linked until we got to the main stairway that lead to the entrance hall. I'm pretty sure they thought I would pull them down and make a fool out of us all. Marlene went first down the stairs first to meet Remus. They were just going as friends. Then went Alive who met Frank at the bottom of the stairs and then went Lily who met James at the bottom. I'd like to think that while I was walking down the stairs I looked like one of those models on the cover of the muggle magazines with their hair blowing in the wind, but truthfully I was stumbling down holding onto the railing for dear life. Curse you stupid heels. Once I got to the bottom, my eyes landed on Sirius, who had a blonde girl in a red number hanging on his arm. I could swear I saw him laughing at me walking down the stairs.

"Wow Juliet, you look stunning" said a voice from behind me. I turned around and standing in front of me was Justin. Now normally, someone calling me stunning would be a huge compliment and I would thank them, but coming from Justin, it just made me want to punch him.

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" I said trying to think of the best way to compliment a person that you don't like

"I have something for you, before we go" he said holding out a small box. He opened it and inside was a necklace shaped like a heart. In small letters it said 'J+J' Oh god, too soon. That's just weird.

"Oh thank you Justin, it's very... nice" I said trying to sound like it wasn't a completely weird gesture "alright we should get going"

"Wait, don't you want to wear the necklace?" he asked

"Right" I said taking it from him and fastening it around my neck

We walked into the great hall where the ball was set up and it looked great. Props to Lily and James for organizing such an amazing event. There was a wizard band playing some songs I've never heard of, but they were still pretty catchy. McGonagall announced that we would have to eat dinner before we could start dancing. I was looking around for any sight of my friends because I didn't want to be stuck sitting with only Justin. I finally found Alice and Marlene with their dates. Filet mignon and mashed potatoes was being served for dinner. Once we all finished eating, Lily, Marlene, Alice and I danced around to some upbeat songs. We were having a great time until a slow song came on and they all left me to dance with their dates.

"Care to dance?" asked Justin extending his arm out to me.

"Uh, okay" I replied taking his arm and allowing him to lead me to the dance floor.

He's a horrendous dancer and me stumbling around in my heels doesn't make matters any better. He's stepped on my toes so many times they'll be bruised by the time this ball is over. Finally, the song is over.

"Why don't you go get us punch? I'll wait here" I smiled at him

"Anything for you" he smirked. I rolled my eyes

As soon as his back was turned to me and he was a good ten feet away I sprinted to the nearest hiding place. I crawled under one of the long tables with the white table cloths that reached the floor. I poked my head out and sitting at the other end of the table was Remus. I need to get to him. I crawled past dozens of dress shoes and heels until I reached the person who I presumed was Remus. I shook one of his legs and someone who wasn't Remus peeked under the table cloth with a look of confusion on his face.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone else" I whispered to him. He put the table cloth back probably thinking that I was out of my mind. I shook the next person hoping it was who I was looking for and not some random person. Sure enough, Remus' face peeked out from under the table cloth.

"Juliet? What're you doing down there?" He asked

"Listen, I need you to distract Justin, so that I could get out of here and back to the common room" I said

"The ball isn't even half over" he said

"I know that, but I'll be your best friend if you do this for me" I pleaded

"Fine, I don't have much in common with him, so I'll only be able to distract him for a minute. Make a quick escape" he said

"Thank you so much Remus, you're a lifesaver" I said

I watched Remus walk over to Justin who was looking for me. When his back was turned to me I jumped out from under the table and ran to the exit. I scared a girl in the process making her spill punch down her front. Oh well, it was spiked anyway. I made it to the common room without being stopped by anyone and it was a miracle.

I sat down on the common room couch and took off my shoes, not even bothering to go to my dorm because I know I won't be able to go to bed. The clock reads twenty to nine. There's a few students third year and below in the common room since they weren't invited to the ball. I looked at the common room fire and I could've sworn I saw a face in it. Someone probably looked through the wrong floo network. I stared at it for a bit longer to see if the face came back, but sure enough, it didn't. I felt someone sit on the couch next to me but I was too absorbed in my own thoughts to look who it was. The person decided to poke me, so I spared a glance their way. It was Sirius.

"You're date didn't go well then?" he asked me

I scoffed "No way. Go ahead, say I told you so"

"Sorry, but I told you so" he said. I unclasped the necklace and tossed it to Sirius he read it and started laughing uncontrollably.

"Juliet plus Justin? Oh, what a loser. I'll be sure to make fun of him for that" he said tossing the necklace back to me. I threw it in the fire and watched it melt into nothing.

"Do as you wish. Anyway, what happened to your date? Did she decide to ditch you half way through your dance?" I asked

"No actually, I ditched her. She couldn't even stand up right. Too much spiked punch I suppose"

"Yeah, James told Marlene and Marlene told me that you and James were the ones who spiked it"

"Yup" he said proudly

"I should get to bed before I have to be disciplined by Lily for leaving the ball early" I said "see you tomorrow" I said before trudging up to my dorm

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