Chapter Six

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Lily's P.O.V

I feel like such an idiot. James was only defending me. I solemnly swear from this point on, I will never say another mean thing to James Potter. I should start off with just asking him if we can be friends. But, I wasn't assigned to sit with James in any of my classes, so I didn't have time to talk to him. I'll have to wait until he comes back to our dormitory from detention with Slughorn.

As I was walking down to the great hall for dinner, I thought that I should ask the girls to come hang out with me in my dormitory, so we could catch up and so I could get to know Juliet.

I walked into the great hall and found the girls all sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table. I sat down next to Alice.

"Hey girls. After dinner would you want to hang out in my dorm with me and maybe do some homework?" I asked and everybody agreed.

We all ate our dinner and walked up to the dormitory together.

"Popping Fisbees" I said and the door opened to our common room.

Everybody was amazed at how big the common room was. We settled on the couch and I started doing my divination homework.

"So girls" Marlene broke the silence "Wanna play a game of truth or dare?"

I hate playing truth or dare. One way or another I always make a fool of myself, but everyone agreed to playing, so I was outnumbered.

It was Marlene's turn and she picked truth and confessed to liking Remus. But of course our game had to be ruined by James.

"What are you lot up to?" asked James as he entered the common room.

"Truth or dare, want to join?" asked Juliet. I'll make sure to get her for that one later on.

"Sounds fun. Should I go get the others?" asked James

"Yes, quickly, it's almost curfew" she replied

3 minutes later James came back with Sirius, Remus, and Peter.

"For the record, I was forced to come" said Remus

"I'll go first. I pick Juliet" said Marlene.

"Truth" she said ruefully.

"Okay, how many boyfriends did you had in your last school?"

"Promise you won't laugh?" Juliet asked and we all nodded quickly.

"I've never had a boyfriend before. I mean I've made out with a few guys but they never got as far as to ask me out" she said and we all giggled at the way she said 'made out with' instead of snogged.

"Anyways, I pick James. Truth or Dare?" Juliet asked

"Dare" James replied in an adorable sing-song voice. Ew ew ew, I can't believe I just said that.

"How about tomorrow at breakfast, you stand on top of the Gryffindor table and announce to the whole great hall, that your missing your pink teddy bear and if anybody finds it, report to you immediately" said Juliet

We all burst out laughing and didn't stop for a whole five minutes. Even James thought it was funny. I can not wait until tomorrow morning!

Time passed quickly and we found out that Sirius likes Juliet (Juliet obviously did not feel the same way because she pretended to throw up when Sirius looked away) I snore, Remus is afraid of spiders, Alice likes Frank (shocker) and Peter secretly dated a Hufflepuff named Felicity, but it only lasted three days. I wonder why.

It was 1 A.M. and way past curfew, but everybody had to get back to their dorms because our common room didn't have enough space for all our friends to sleep in. So, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Marlene, Alice and Juliet had to get back without getting caught and of course James and I didn't want to miss out, so we tagged along. All eight of us made our way out the portrait hole and out into the hallways. We were halfway there when Peter got scared, causing him to throw his wand, which knocked a ceramic vase of a shelf and sent it smashing to the ground. Footsteps came rushing down the hall and I knew we were done for.

"What's the meaning of this?" Came Professor McGonagall's loud voice from behind us. I shot Peter a glare as if to say "This is all your fault" and then I turned to McGonagall and started to explain ourselves.

"I'm so sorry Professor, it's just we were all doing our homework together in mine and James common room and we all fell asleep. I had woken up because Marlene kicked me during her sleep and I saw everybody there and my first thought was to get them back to their dormitories. I didn't even know it was so late! I'm so sorry Professor, please forgive us"

"Thank you Lily, for trying to do the right thing, but I'm afraid I'll have to give you all one detention for being out passed curfew"

"Oh come on Minnie. That's not fair! Can't you just let us off easy? It was only the first day of classes today." Sirius moaned.

"No Sirius, now get back to your dorms all of you before I make it two detentions. And for the umpteenth time, stop calling me Minnie!" said Professor McGonagall

James and I made our way back to our common room and everybody went the opposite way headed for their dormitories.

"Hey Potter?" I asked

"Yeah Evans?"

"I was wondering if I could call you James"

"I thought you'd never ask" he said. He had the biggest smile on his face and I realized, sometimes in life the smallest things can make people the happiest.

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