Chapter Nine

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Lily's P.O.V.

I woke up to daylight shining in my eyes and I looked at the time. Fifteen minutes until class, which leaves me barely enough time to get dressed and eat breakfast. Oh well. I threw on my robes and shoes, brushed my hair and my teeth and scrambled to the Great Hall. I sat down next to Juliet, Marlene and Alice.

"I'm so nervous about quidditch tryouts in three days. They're right after classes since James has detention. Which leaves me no time to practice." Juliet complained

"Don't worry about it, you'll do great" I reassured her

"I don't know about that. At my old wizarding school I was the best. Only second to my friend Elle, but there were only about fifty wizards total who attended that school" she said

"James needs some more girls on the team anyway" said Marlene

"You're probably right" Juliet replied. "Don't they serve coffee here?"

"No" I chuckled

Juliet groaned "How am I supposed to start my day then?"

"It's getting late we should get to class" said Alice

I nodded in agreement and stood from the table. It would probably take five minutes to get to our next class considering how big the castle was, so the four of us started talking about the last assignment Slughorn had given.

"Four pages, that's insane!" said Alice

"Yeah, I'm not even going to do it" replied Marlene

I was giggling at their antics when I saw a greasy haired boy walking down a hallway that didn't lead to History of Magic, when I knew for a fact, that's where he was supposed to be. Severus Snape.

"Hey, I'll meet you guys in class. I left something in my dorm" I lied

"Alright, but there's only five minutes until class starts, so hurry up" Alice replied

By now, I was far behind Severus, but I could still see his head over the crowd of students, since he was slightly taller than average. The students were thinning out now.

"Severus!" I called out, but he didn't hear me.

He walked into an empty classroom and closed the door behind him. What did he need in an empty classroom? I'll just walk in there and talk to him about what happened over the summer. I glanced through the glass part, however, Severus wasn't the only one in there, so I thought better of walking in on their meeting and I ducked. I put my ear against the crack in the door to listen. I found myself eavesdropping more often than not, lately.

"Do you think he would let him join?" someone asked

"Don't be daft Avery, of course he would. It's just what he's been looking for, a double agent. An extremely dangerous job that not many of us are willing to take on. Especially since most of us are already enemies to them" replied Severus

So it's Avery and Severus in there. Who's the third person? What are they talking about? A double agent for who? Enemies? There were a million things I needed to know.

"But what if we think he's a double agent for us, when he's really a double agent pretending to be a double agent for them" a voice that I hadn't heard yet spoke. But I automatically knew it was Mulciber. Snape and him were attached by the hip and went everywhere together in the past year or so.

"Shut up Mulciber. He's too stupid for that" replied Severus clearly ticked off at his friends questions

"Are you going back to History of Magic Snape?" asked Avery

"And spend an hour listening to a ghost blabber on about dead wizards with a bunch of Gryffindors? No thank you" he replied

I knew the conversation was coming to an end, so I sprinted down the hall and made my way to History of Magic. Professor Binns probably wouldn't be mad that I was late because I was one of his favorite students. But honestly, I hate his class and rarely ever pay attention.

I walked into the classroom and Professor Binns looked at me.

"Why are you late Miss Evans?" He asked

"Uh, I overslept professor. It won't happen again" I said earning three confused glares from Juliet, Marlene, and Alice because I had told them I left something in my dorm. 'I'll tell you later' I mouthed to them.

"I hope not. Please take a seat" he said

I sat down and unpacked my bag while the students were copying their notes.

James tapped my shoulder from behind me "Where were you?" He asked quietly

"I already said, I overslept"

"I saw you in the Great Hall this morning"

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation Potter and Evans, but please pay attention and copy your notes" Professor Binns said

"Yes sir" we both mumbled

Not one minute later a note landed on my desk.

Where were you? -James

None of your business - Lily

Don't make me force you to tell me- James

And how would you do that? -Lily

The conversation went back and forth like this for ten minutes until I finally told him where I was. And we kept talking and arguing until James laughed at one of the notes causing Professor Binns to see the notes piled on our desks

"Care to share your conversation with the class?" He asked us. Oh no, some of the things we were talking about were embarrassing.

"No thank you" replied James

"It was more of a statement than a question Potter, now both of you get up there and read to us what's so funny" he said.

I'm definitely not one of his favorite students anymore. Oh no, I should just run. It'll save me the embarrassment of what some of those notes say. Not to mention that Binns will find out I lied to him about oversleeping.

We stood in the front of the room. All eyes were on us. I locked eyes with James and he had a smirk on his face. Probably excited to read them to the class.

James cleared his throat "Where were you?"

"None of your business"

"Don't make me force you to tell me"

"And how would you do that?"

"I don't know, I was just hoping that would get you to tell me"

"Do me a favor and shut up"

"Not until you tell me where you were"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because I'm bored"

"Well in that case... NO"

"Pretty please"

"Fine. I was following someone"



"Why were you following that greasy git?"

"Once again, none of your business"

"Fine but can I ask you a question?"

"Ask away"

"Would you go out with me?"


"Well rumor has it, there's going to be a Halloween ball"


"And heads have to go together"

The entire class was laughing at this point. They all knew Lily Evans would never in a million years go to a Halloween ball with James Potter. And they were right. Even though James was better this year, I still had a reputation to keep up.

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