Chapter Twenty Three

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Lily's P.O.V

I walked out of the compartment James and I had just been in. I tucked my shirt back into my skirt as I walked down the hall trying to find the compartment that Juliet, Sirius, Peter, and Remus are in. I may or may not have just been snogging James. I ran my fingers nervously through my dark read hair trying to tame it. What if when I open the compartment, they know that James and I had been snogging. No, I'm being stupid, they can't read minds. Can they? I slide open the compartment door and sit down next to Peter and across from Juliet.

"I can't wait to get back to school. Its much less dramatic than home" Juliet jokes

"Really? You think?" I laugh sarcastically

"I for one, am extremely happy to be out of that hospital" said Sirius

"And I for one, am not glad to be back because I have left my girlfriend behind" says Remus glumly

"Girlfriend?!" asks Juliet loudly

"Yeah, and before you flip a lid, it's Elle" Remus says

"Obviously I knew it was Elle, but why didn't she tell me?" Juliet asks

"I asked her to be my girlfriend via owl, only this morning. Do you think that was farfetched of me?" He asks

"Of course not. You two make a lovely couple" I say for Juliet.

I glance out the window and a small owl is fighting it's way to keep up with the train, a letter attached to its foot. I opened the window, so that it could come it. It flies in and lands on Juliet's lap.

"It's Elle's owl" Juliet concludes. She read through the letter quickly. "Explaining how Remus and her are now dating. Better late than never, I suppose" she says. The owl flies out the window and I shut it once it's far gone.

James walks in and sits next to Sirius. He glances at me and smirks. I can feel my face redden to a deeper red than the shade of my hair. I divert my eyes away from him and look at Juliet.

'Were you and James making out while you two were gone?' I could hear a voice ring through my head. I could've sworn it was Juliet's voice.

I jumped up in shock.

"Yes! Wait no! How did you do that!?" I yell. Remus, James, Peter and Sirius look at me like I have seven heads.

"I think you could use some sleep, Lily" Juliet says shrugging

"I think you're right" I say rubbing my forehead. I'm so paranoid about people finding out about James and I, that I'm making up voices in my mind.

'This is your conscience, Lily. I think it would be a great idea if you buy chocolate frogs for Juliet' A voice rings once again through my head

"Oh god, I'm going insane" I say before leaving the compartment to find the trolley. I come back with a hand full of chocolate frogs and I throw them into Juliet's lap.

"Gee Lily. How kind of you!" she says

"Where's my chocolate frogs Lily?" asked James

"Eh, my conscience only told me to get them for Juliet" I shrug. Juliet let's out a loud laugh and covers it by coughing.

"Why are you laughing over there?" I ask her

"It's a secret" she tells me

"You're not casting spells on me are you? Yes you are! It's the only reason why my head would command me to do things for you. What spell is that? I've never heard of one like it before. Oh please tell me" I beg

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