Chapter Twenty Four

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Juliet's P.O.V

I open my eyes and groggily lift myself from the cold, hard floor. I was knocked out in what looks to be Slughorn's potions room. On further inspection, it's late at night because it's still dark out. How'd I get here? Why was I on the floor? I rub my head before exiting the dark classroom. The corridors are deserted and I can only hope a teacher doesn't find me out after hours. My feet automatically take me to the Gryffindor portrait hole. The fat lady is asleep, so I tap on her picture lightly. She wakes up and looks around.

"What're you doing out after hours?" she asks me

"I was wondering the same thing. Balderdash" I tell her

"Oh alright, get in before someone sees you" she says.

I slowly enter the common room, careful not to wake the people who are passed out on the floor. Wait, why on earth are people passed out on the floor? And why is the common room a complete mess?

"Reparo Maxima" I muttered under my breath. I watched as the broken butterbeer glasses, shoes, and other miscellaneous things returned to their rightful places. It seems like there was a party of some sort. I look around at the people and some of them I recognize from Ravenclaw. How did they even get in here?

"So, did you find anything 'suspicious' as you called it?" someone who was on the couch asks me. I recognize the voice instantly as Sirius'.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. I sat down on the couch next to him

"While you were following Peter I mean. You can't have found anything interesting otherwise you'd surely be bragging about it and saying 'I told you so'" he tells me

"Look, I have no idea what you're on about, but I think maybe you should get some shut eye" I tell him

"No, I think you should get some shut eye. You weren't at the party for more than ten minutes and you're already out of it" he says

"Shut up Sirius, I don't even know what your talking about. You're going crazy, I swear it" I say

"I'm going crazy? You're the one pretending you don't remember what happened in the last few hours. I'm not as stupid as you seem to think Juliet, besides Lily told me about what you are. She came looking for you and she told all of us - James, Remus, Alice, and Marlene- and if you weren't off chasing Peter and trying to pin things on him, maybe you would have realized she was looking for you too. A magnecromancer, huh? Why didn't you tell us? Oh wait, let me guess, you didn't trust us did you? Of course not, why would you trust the best friends you've made since you've moved here? Who cares about them, right? Who cares about how they feel when you keep something so big from them and continuously lie to them? You obviously don't. Lily told us something about wandless magic. You weren't too keen to break yourself out of that cell in Malfoy's basement were you? You wanted your knight in shining armor to come save you? Well honestly, I wish I hadn't" he finishes his rant with such venom in his voice. I've never heard him speak like this before.

"What makes you think you're my knight in shining armor? Nobody asked you to come save me anyway. And if I do remember correctly, you're the one who kissed me in the hospital, or am I pretending that too? Why do I need to explain myself to an idiot like you? You don't get it! Before you yell at me for something stupid like not breaking myself out of Malfoy's basement, maybe you should read up a bit more. Maybe then you'd understand that that's not how magnecromancers work! There's a limit to everything Sirius, whether you believe it or not" I say. I've raised my voice so loud at this point, I'm surprised the whole Gryffindor house hasn't woke up.

"I don't care anymore. Once, you learn to trust your friends, you can get back to me" he says. He starts to leave, but I stop him.

"You can't stomp away angrily, that's my job!" I say as I walk away from him. I accidentally stepped on a Ravenclaw's hand while I was walking away.

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