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Question: 1st Hinata if you had a 3rd child what would you name it, why? And what do you want it to look like? 2nd How often does Naruto take you out for Ramen during the week?

(I think I have an obsession with the topic of children. I may need help.)

Admin: *looks around* WHERE IS MY NOTE?! HINATA!!
Hinata: *hands Crystal her note* here... you have such a mess in your room...
Admin: I do? *looks at room* EH?! I need to organize, before my OCD kicks in... *looks at papers on floor* oh! Hey look there's the dare!! *tries to grab paper* Chair!! *falls off chair* I AM GOING TO THROW THAT THING AWAY!! *sits on the floor* ok! Here you go! *hands dare to Hinata*
Hinata: A-Arigato! *bows and grabs question*
Admin: WAIT!! ITS A QUESTION?! See! I am so use of all you giving Hina dares that I just forgot this was a ask book also! *trows hands in the air*
Hinata: *looks at Crystal and sweatdrops* D-Do you want me to bring y-
Admin: I am good!! *smiles stupidly*
Hinata: i-i think y-you h-hit your head...
Admin: I did? Wait! You did? No I didn't! Wait what? Crystal used confusion on herself! It was super effective!
Hinata: *sighs* ok! *reads question* w-well Naruto-kun named Boruto, and i named Himawari... b-but I haven't thought of another name if we had another k-kid... b-but i-i suppose Naruto w-would name o-our next kid, i-i would like it if o-our next k-kid w-would h-have m-my eyes b-but has Naruto's hair and personality...
Hinata: ok... Umm... he d-did take me out for ramen a-a lot of times when we were dating... i-it was around 12 times a-a week... b-but after we got married and he became Hokage, w-we don't go as much as we use too... around 2 times a week or so now... b-but now i-i make Ramen w-when Naruto-kun comes from working in the office, b-but of course Boruto and Himawari a-are j-just like Naruto-kun, they love their r-ramen!
Admin: i want Ramen!!! *pouts*
Hinata: i-i have to make r-ramen a-any ways...
Admin: YAY!! Bye, Bye!!
Hinata: Bye!!

Ask or Dare Hinata-chan! (Closed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt