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Question: Were your moodswings bad when you we're pregnant? Which time was worst Himawari or Boruto? And What did you crave the most when you were pregnant with Boruto and Himawari

Hinata: well... yes they were pretty bad because one time Naruto was asking me if I was alright and I started to yell at him and well... yea I felt bad after that...
Admin: *sighs* good she back!
Hinata: WHAT?! Do you not like me to be this way Huh?! I wil-
Admin: I DIDNT DO IT!! *runs away*
Hinata: back to the question and then the contractions but Boruto was way worse than Himawari... What I craved the most was cinnamon rolls... I just wanted to eat them all day! They are so delicious and gooy and sweet and just yummy!!

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