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I also have a question how come that you and naruto dont spend much time with each other anymore

Hinata: d-don't yell at me!
Kiba: *sighs* Hey Crystal...
Admin: You have a question Hinata-sama! *looks at Kiba* Umm hi?
Kiba: Don't you Umm hi? Me! You wanted to talk to me?
Admin: *thinks* No... not that I know of!
Hinata: Yay!! O-ok well me and Naruto-kun don't have much time for each other because h-he is the Hokage and h-he has too much paperwork to handle and I'm here taking care of the kids and also answering and doing questions here s-so Naruto-Kun and I do spend time but v-very little because we have so much work to d-do
Lesly: *pokes head in the studio room* The hole is still there?!
Admin: Gohan hasn't come to fix it at all!
Kiba: Hey Lesly!
Lesly: *smiles warmly at Kiba* Hi Kiba-kun!
Admin: *flinches* DID YOU JUST SMILE?!
Lesly: NOPE! bye guys!! *leaves*
Admin: Bye yall! *smiles*
Kiba: see ya? *looks around the room* who are you guys saying bye too?!
Hinata: b-bye!
Admin: *points at audience* them! Bye keep on commenting!
Kiba: Oh! Bye then!

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