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I ask you a better question: Hinata who is your best girlfriend? and why?

Admin: What is your answer Hinata-sama?
Hinata: Hmm... i-it would be... Tenten-chan or... Sakura-chan! B-but mostly Tenten-chan...
Admin: why? Is that?
Hinata: well Tenten-chan is a fun person to be around... even when we're not filming i-i hang out with Tenten...
Admin: Hmm...
Hinata: a-and sakura-chan because s-she was so confident! A-and I have always wanted her confidence... i-i thought if I hung around her i-it's might rub of on me... but it didn't happen...
Admin: ok... that is all the time we have today!! Keep on commenting!! And if someone asks another dare or question I will tell you a idea I have in my head for Hinata-sama!! Maybe... I'll tell you... but who knows!! Bye!!
Hinata: b-bye!!

Ask or Dare Hinata-chan! (Closed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat