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I dare Hinata to kiss Neji deeply for five minutes in front of Naruto and Tenten

Admin: *ears twitches* I don't want to do a dare or anything today!*hears mail coming* UGH! *wipes tears away* ok l-lets see...
Lesly: hey Crystal! Did my- *looks at Crystal* why are you crying? You never cry! What happened?
Admin: Nothing... *looks through mail* Hinata-sama we got mail once again! *walks in studio room*
Hinata: *turns around* Ok! *notices Crystal* why where you crying Crystal-chan?
Lesly: Crystal, tell me i might be mean and all but i- Hinata-sama! *bows*
Hinata: Hello Lesly-San! It's been forever! *hugs Lesly*
Admin: *looks at dare* Here... *hands dare to Lesly* you be the admin today! I just can't anymore! *leaves to go to room*
Lesly: *sighs* Crystal! *looks at all the technology* So why did you call me here Hinata-sama?
Hinata: well since because I want you to do a dare with me just one last time! And celebrate the 100th chapter in this book!
Lesly: *smiles* Ok! Steve! I'll be there in a minute!
Chair: Ok Lesly-San!
Hinata: *sighs* why Neji-Nii-San?!
Lesly: *shrugs* Yo! Neji, Tenten and Naruto!! GET OVER HERE BEFORE SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN TO ALL YOU THREE!!! *cracks knuckles*
Hinata: y-you know Crystal-chan is getting an attitude like yours...
Lesly: I'm happy that she's getting one!
Neji: *walks in with Tenten and a very scared Naruto* See I told you it was Cry- *sees lesly* LESLY-SAN! *face turns white* y-your b-back?! *hides behind Tenten*
Tenten: L-Lesly-San! *panics* w-where Crystal?!
Lesly: I'm doing the dare today now both of you *points at Tenten and Naruto* I want you to stand there and watch Hinata-sama! NOW Naruto! No funny business got that!!
Naruto: *flinches* YES MA'AM!! *looks at Hinata*
Hinata: *sweatdrops* y-your very good at controlling h-him...
Neji: n-no kidding...
Lesly: what did you say!!!
Neji: *flinches* N-Nothing!!! I-I swear!
Hinata: *kisses Neji*
~5 minutes later~
Lesly: *slaps Naruto* Baka!!! If you attack Neji your done for!
Naruto: i-i promise I won't hurt him!!
Tenten: *crosses arms* NEJI!!! *glares*
Neji: i-i *looks at Lesly*
Lesly: That is all that we have for today!
Hinata: b-bye!
Lesly: *looks through book* Wow... *mumbles I'm proud of my little sister*
Naruto: Aww Lesly-San is proud of Crystal!!
Lesly: *annoyed* I AM NOT! *glares at Naruto*
Naruto: *flinches* bye!! *leaves quickly*
Lesly: I will be admin for today I suppose until Crystal stop being heart broken-
Admin: I AM NOT HEART BROKEN!! *sniffles*
Hinata: B-bye!
Lesly: Bye!
Admin: whatever! *leaves*

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