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Dare: I dare Hinata to give a hug and tell all her friends that she loves them.
Admin: -.- hugs... *shivers*
Hinata: Aww come on Crystal-chan you use to give hugs to everyone!!
Admin: that's because I was force to do that... later that year I had to take therapy... TT-TT I DONT WANT TO GO THROUGH THAT AGAIN!!
Hinata: hmm are you sure *hugs admin*
Admin: NO!!! *pushes Hinata away* don't torchere me!! *walks away*
Hinata: well I have a lot of people to hug!! *walks towards Naruto*
Naruto: hey Hina-chan! *smiles*
Hinata: *hugs Naruto* i-i love you Naruto-Kun!
Naruto: EH?! Umm I Umm err
Hinata: Bye! *lets go* Hmm I wonder where Tenten is?
Sakura: how many times do I have to tell you Lee i will never go out with you!!
Sasuke: yea she won't
Neji: give it up Lee...
Ino: is Lee trying to win foreheads heart again?
Sai: hmm as you can see Lee is on the ground crying again...
Shikamaru: how troublesome...
Chonji: *munch* wow Lee *munch* will you ever give up?
Hinata: Hi guys!! *hugs Neji* I love you Neji-NiiSan!
Neji: Hn is everything alright Hinata-sama?
Hinata: everything is fine! *lets go of Neji*
Neji: alright
Hinata: *hugs Tenten* I love you Tenten!
Tenten: eh?! I Umm love you too?
Hinata: *lets go* Hmm I love you all!! Group hug!!
Shikamaru: how troublesome...
Ino: did you hit your head Hinata?
Hinata: no it was a dare but still!! Hugs?
Sasuke: no thank you... *leaves*
Sakura: sure! GROUP HUG!!!!
Admin: BYE!!

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