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1.Hinata I dare you to eat a living fish not raw but living 2.(you can do this one later) i dare Hinata to ride a reindeer

Admin: *looks around* WHERE IS THAT DARE!! *grabs random papers* HERE IT IS!! *hands Hinata the paper* Your dare!
Hinata: *reads dare* E-EH?! I have to eat a living fish?!
Admin: Oh!! A reindeer!! *has a derp face* OH MER GAWD!!! I WANT A REINDEER!! *fangirls slightly* I Umm *coughs* I did nothing of that sort
Hinata: ok... *sighs* f-fish?
Admin: DAD!! *runs towards dad*
Dad: Hmm? *looks up from newspaper*
Admin: stop pretending your reading the newspaper!! I know your trying to get out of chores!! Ok where can I get a living fish?
Dad: I- well... y- no... you can go next door to Erikaa's house she just went fishing... her dad told me in the morning...
Admin: OK!! *runs towards house and comes back* Here! *sniffs* EWWW!! Gross!! It smells!! *trows fish in a water tank* Its still alive?! *looks at the fish swimming* well eat it...
Hinata: i-i can't let them down!! *eats fish*

~a while later!!~

Hinata: *finishes* Blegh!!
Admin: *faints*
Hinata: e-eh?!
Erikaa: Yo! Crystal? *sees Crystal on the ground* Eww what is that smell?! *looks at Hinata* did you eat a rotten fish?!
Hinata: no...
Erikaa: *faints*
Hinata: EH?! Well Umm bye?
Admin: I FORGOT!! The reindeer!! *grabs reindeer* HI!!
Hinata: we're did-
Admin: SHHHHH!!
Hinata: ok...
Admin: Get on the reindeer!! NOW!! And you need a mint Hinata!! *hands her mint gum*
Hinata: *eats gum* Ok... *gets on reindeer*
Admin: *hits reindeer* GO!!
Reindeer: *runs away*
Admin: BYE!!!

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