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Hina I dare you to dress in Naruto clothes and fallow him every where he goes and hi Naruto your one of my favs :)

Hinata: a-again with the suit!! *sighs*
Admin: *hands her the suit* Here... *looks at paper*
Hinata: w-what's wrong? *changes quickly* Done!
Admin: Huh? I've been trying to figure out what to write in my song really... *sighs* ITS SO HARD!!
Hinata: t-think about what you feel in your heart! W-What does it say?
Admin: You restated my life my mind and my heart yet you crushed it in an instant... *thinks* Yep that's all!
Hinata: w-wow try t-to get more into your deep thoughts and f-feelings
Admin: Poem...
Hinata: w-what?
Admin: A POEM!! That's what I need!! *runs away*
Hinata: o-ok? Well let's go find Naruto-kun!
--at Kohona because Admin is lazy again!!--
Naruto: RASENGAN!! *hits dummy* Now Boruto try to rip that leaf in your hand with out touching it like this *admin doesn't know very much about Naruto shippendue or Naruto*
Bolt: GRRR *tries really hard* it's hard!!
Hinata: Naruto-kun!
Naruto: hey Hina! *smiles*
Bolt: Hey mom!
Hinata: Hi Boruto! Are you still trying to make a Rasengan?
Bolt: Hai!
Hinata: ok well I'll just watch you guys then!
Himawari: Mommy!! *hugs Hinata* why are you w-wearing Otusan's clothes?
Naruto: she has to do a dare my little sunflower! *smiles at Himawari*
Hinata: o-oh and Nekocutey s-said that your her favorite Naruto-kun! *smiles*
Bolt: Hey! I'm much better than Tou-chan! *sends a kick*
Naruto: *blocks kick* Hmm have they been teaching you Taijutsu at the academy Boruto?
Bolt: yes... *pouts*
Naruto: *smiles* well I have to go to the office and finish my paper work! *walks to the office*
Hinata: *follows Naruto* I'll come with you!
Bolt and Himawari: I WANT TO COME!! *follows Hinata and Naruto*
--Naruto went to take a potty break--
Naruto: H-Hinata?! D-do you have to follows me in the bathroom too?!
Hinata: Yep! *follows Naruto in the bathroom* Bye guys! *smiles*
Naruto: *waves* Bye! Hinata y-you don't have-
Hinata: it's a dare I have to... Bye!

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