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I dare hinata to do a lap dance for naruto and it had to be hardcore (P.S:I dont have a dirty mind just a Very very SEXY imagination)

Admin: *looks through papers* Bill, bill, art, fan mail, bill, art, bill, bill, red envelope... *thinks* what does red envelope mean again?
Hinata: *takes envelope* it means a dare or question have arrived for us...
Admin: OH!! *slaps self* Why am I so stupid?! *hiccups*
Hinata: y-your sick... *sighs* Go to sleep and I'll do the dare...
Admin: JUSTICE NEVER SLEEPS!! *pretends to fly*
Hinata: *sighs* ok y-you asked for it... *pinches Crystal's wolf ears in a special spot*
Admin: Dream believer and the home coming queen... *falls in deep sleep*
Hinata: ok! S-so no Crystal-chan b-but we'll have Erikaa-chan...
Erikaa: Yo! *appears* Hmm? *notices Crystal* you got her right on the pressure point in her wolf ears that made her go in deep sleep? *looks at Hinata*
Hinata: y-yeah... *reads dare* well... *blushes madly* Erikaa-chan...
Erikaa: Naruto... and a chair? *grabs Naruto and a not evil chair* Here *makes Naruto sit on chair* there! And I will leave now since Naruto is capable of things... *leaves quickly*
Hinata: *sighs* o-ok *starts lap dancing on Naruto*
Naruto: Hinata?! *covers nosebleed*

-----while they do that!! Answer some questions from Hinata and Naruto since they want to know more about you!-------
Erikaa: *looks through papers* Question one? Are you guys going to College or not?
Admin: PANCAKES FOR EVERYONE!! *throws pancakes everywhere*
Erikaa: Crystal!! *puts pressure on Crystal's ear*
Admin: *gets dizzy* dream believer and... *falls asleep*
Erikaa: Umm... what is your favorite anime? And last but now least!! Whom is your favorite character from any anime! That's all for today!! *trows cards in air* Bye!!

------Back to them-------

Hinata: *blushes madly* O-Ok! B-Bye!!
Naruto: *wipes blood quickly before Hinata notices* Bye!!
Hinata: *looks at Naruto* Naruto-kun!!
Erikaa: *throws towel to Naruto* Bye!

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