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Hinata i dare you to tell me the truth about whats going on between admin and erika and there is no backing out of this one young lady

Admin: *reads dare* Eh?!
Hinata: *takes dare away and reads it* hmm?
Erikaa: Hey what's the dare now? *tries to read dare but is too short*
Admin: i-it's nothing!
Erikaa: Hinata-sama! *whines*
Hinata: here... *hands her the dare*
Erikaa: *reads it* ...... *blushes madly* what?!
Admin: *sweatdrops* anyways!! Answer them... they should know by now...
Hinata: *smiles and claps hands happily* I've been wanting to say this!! Erikaa-chan and Crystal-chan aren't dating!! But! They both like each other the bad thing is that Erikaa-chan is going to a different high school and they won't see each other at all now and so Crystal-chan and her ended they're relationship today!! *sighs and looks at both of them*
Admin: *rubs back of neck* erikaa lives around four houses down but she's moving this summer so yeah...
Erikaa: *looks away* y-yeah... I just wish we had a longer time together...
Admin: but it's whatever!! We'll see each other in 10th grade but we'll be just friends seeing each other and treating each other for a treat...
Erikaa: yeah since I'll be going to a different high school than the rest of our friends we made a promise to see each other when we have at least one person who can drive...
Hinata: *ruffles both of their heads* you two are cute together!!
Admin: *looks at Hinata* s-shut up!
Erikaa: Arigatō Hinata-sama!!
Admin: at least I get to help you move in to your new house...
Erikaa: yeah...
Hinata: well there!! Now you know the truth!! There was an Erikaa and Crystal but not anymore...
Admin: Alright Bye Crystal readers!! K-
Erikaa: Keep on asking or daring Hinata-sama!!
Admin: h-hey!!
Hinata: Bye!!

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