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Ok I have a date for you Crystal! Yep it's pay back Sensai!! I dare you to make a poster that says need a new Student! And you have to hang them up around the neighborhood *sticks tongue out* pay back!! For telling Lesly-San our secret!!!

Admin: *reads dare* why?
Hinata: i-is it a d-dare for me?
Admin: nope... this time it's mine...
Hinata: *smiles brightly* I-I get to go home early?!
Admin: *shrugs* anyways! Your helping me hang these posters up all the neighborhood!
Hinata: *sighs* o-ok

~at le neighborhood~
Admin: *hangs posters up* I hate you so much right now Erikaa...
Erikaa: I know! *eats ice cream* do you want some?
Hinata: *puts posters up* O-Oh y-you gave her the dare?
Admin: yep! She did because I told Lesly-San our little secret...
Hinata: *thinks* oh is it-
Erikaa: *covers Hinata's mouth* secret!
Hinata: *nods*
Admin: one time!! *keeps hanging posters up* so you came to what? Bother me again? Or try to find another bathroom to trap us in...
Erikaa: h-hey! That was your fault!! I was pushed by everyone of the track team!!
Admin: *growls* you always say that! -~-
Hinata: y-you guys need to tell me more about what happens at school...
Admin: I'll tell you... I have like what? A whole book about what happens there because of Erikaa!!
Erikaa: h-hey! It was an accident!! At least he noticed you because of me... but then you know... and now your back here being single!
Admin: whatever! *finishes hanging posters up* your such a good friend!
Erikaa: I know I am!! *smiles* here I got an ice cream for you!
Admin: cookies and cream and strawberry?
Erikaa: well duh! I'm your best friend! I know which one to get! Anyways bye guys! Keep on asking or daring Hinata-sama!!
Admin: bye!
Hinata: b-bye guys!

Ask or Dare Hinata-chan! (Closed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora