He's Extrovert (Part1)

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So all of my friends have agreed to have an over night stay on a beach resort and all of them are planning to bring their lovers with them, and by that means I also need to bring Beam with me, so 1) I won't be the lone person 2) My friends planned that wanting to get to know him. I just hope that he will say 'yes' about it.


Hanging inside Beams room, I watch him as he paint something. The room is field with silence but, this is just a normal time for us now where if we're not cuddling or doing our own school works, he will be doing some art stuffs while I play on my phone but mostly just admire his focus face. And now all I need is a right timing to ask him about the over night vacation thing.

Finally after of 2 hours of him doing some painting and now I'm just helping him cleaning his paint brushes.

"Do you need to tell me something?" I heard Beam asked making me snap out from my thoughts as I watch him dry his paint brush.

"I-" I hummed.
"Just tell me, I have noticed that something is bothering you since you got here." He said without looking up at me. Still thinking twice if I should tell him making the room field with silence, but not until I heard him called my name again.

"Actually, I'm wondering if you can join me and my friends' on a over night stay at the Beach resort." I finally speak out. "Their lovers' will be there too." Silence filled his room again, with only the sound of the wall clock ticking we can hear. But not until Beam hummed and said the word I've not expecting him to say. "-Okay."

"Really?" I asked to make sure and he nod as he shows his bright smile to me.

"Thank you my Vanilla!"
I can't help but to cheer as I squeeze him into a hug and kiss every part of his face.


Forth asked me if I can join him with his friends on a over night at a Beach resort,well I actually don't want to as I was sure there will be a lot of people, and it's over night.

But he have mention that the lovers' of his friends are also going. And he's always fine with me just doing all the introvert-ness, and him sacrificing for sure as I can see he is draining sometimes specially when both of us are just quiet. Plus I don't want his friends' to think that I don't support Forth's and what makes him happy.

"Thank you my Vanilla!" He said as he hug me so tight and kisses every part of my face, and if I mean every part, I mean no part of my skin on my face have not touched by his lips.

"But when?" I asked him as he finally stop kissing me. "Tomorrow." I heard him cheerfully announced.
"Tomorrow?!" The word came out off my mouth as my anxiety crawls inside of me, "What time?" I asked, trying to fight the sort of scenarios now running in my head.

"Meeting time is 9Am." He said now looking into my eyes as if trying to make sure I'm fine with it. "Uh-If you don't really want it's oka-"

"No, It's okay." I cut his words. "Uhm- are literally all of your friends will be there?" I asked anxiously knowing how many his friends are, I will not be surprise if he knows every people in Thailand.

"Kind of? Just the group of us who know each others."
"Do I already know all of them?" I asked, telling myself it will be at least more easier for me if I know or have met them before.

"Not all, but Ihave introduce you to some of them right?" He asked and I just nod.
"-Don't worry na' they are all friendly sure you will not feel out of place."

Introvert Meets Extrovert | ForthBeamWhere stories live. Discover now