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I know that Beam is sure mad at me right now, Because of what I have tell him last night. I send him an early morning message yet he did not reply. I ask him what time their flight will be so I will accompany him but he did not reply , Yep he is mad at me.

Now the chance of him saying YES is probably 20%, or not even.

Sorry Beam I really want to surprise you.

I went inside the airport, and enter the plane first as what we have planned. And as soon as I saw Beam take his seat I can sense his anger to his face.

With shade glasses, facemask, and a cap to cover my face like those actors that don't want to be seen in my case a stalker that don't want to be seen, I watch Beam as I'm sitting at the row exactly behind his seat, not wanting to be that far away from him.

We have finally arrive after six hours of flight. I let the five of them get off first, and as they all ride in the same car I'm riding alone at the car that Ming's father have provide as we will be staying at the hotel that his father own.

As soon as they reached at the hotel Ming have called and asked me how are we gonna  initiate the plan, I just told him that I will tell them later as I got there and for the mean time let Beam stay in his room.

I went to my room and ask all of them except Beam of course to come to my room and we will talk about the plan.

The original plan actually was we should just do it by tomorrow morning but Phana insisted. Telling me he can't see his best friend being all sulked, and he was sure that Beam is now planing just to stay at the hotel room for the rest of the vacation. So change plan we will do it now.

I asked Pha and Yo to give the Ravenclaw cloak and the magic want to Beam as soon as we reached at the Universal Studio, while I will be just not that far behind them. I told them all that hogwarts should be our first stop so we could end the plan as soon as possible and have more time to go around the place.

Telling myself that this is not a wedding proposal, I take a deep breath and this is it.


We are finally in a plane, It's not my first time to ride a plane because when I was a kid we often go to out of the town and country everytime that my dad is on vacation month.

But this time I'm hating my life as my friends are sitting way far from me and I'm here sitting beside a stranger, Yes earphones are great help but friggin potato this person beside me looks like a friendly one as he greeted me before he take a sit, I'm just lucky that my seat is beside the window but still unlucky as this flight is 6 hours butt hurt flight.

Thanks Forth, Thanks for ditching us... Me.

The whole flight all I do is to listen some songs and read a book, what's new? This is what I do in a daily life.

And finally after a long but hurt flight we have arrived, and I get reunited with my friends, now on our way to look for a ride to wherever that hotel is. —Oh I can't wait to sleep whole day.

And as if Ming can read my thoughts he have tell us that we will be stay at the hotel his father owns but it will be one hour ride.

We are then fetch by the driver provided by Mings father, deciding to take the passenger seat, and let the lovers be all lovey dovey at the back being so noisy as they adore the view outside, While I who is just staring outside the window can't even adore the streets for some reason.

After an hour of ride we have finally got to the hotels and got our key cards for our room, gladly all of us agreed to go straight into our own rooms and stay for a quick rest.

Introvert Meets Extrovert | ForthBeamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora