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I'm at the mall now with my friend Laem and his boyfriend Park as there is a new Japanese cheese cake on trend right now and we got really curious on what does it taste like and why it is so into trend except the fact that it is a jiggly puff bread.

"Wow! it is really that fluffy in real life." Laem exclaimed, as we watch the Patissier pulling out the fluffy cake breads from the tin pans.

"Babe let's buy 2 I want mom to try it too sure she would like it." Park told Laem.

"Sure mom will do like, Excuse me sir can we have two of this please." I heard my friend ordered, and as It was my time to order.

"I will buy two of it too." I told the cashier, and earning a look from the couple I'm with

"Two? Why ai'Forth? isn't only you and aunty will eat those." Laem said, looking confused to why I bought much.

"Oh, I will give the other one to Beam, sure he will like it." I told them.

"Beam?" He asked, "Ohh... Is he the guy you are always talking to me?" He exclaimed, and I just nods, as I payed for the Fluffy cheese cake.

"Wow this friend of mine is so fast, are you courting him now?" He asked, and it got me to thinking.

"Maybe? No? I don't know as for now I just want to be one of his friends first, I mean one of the person that he can be comfortable with. I told you before right, he is introvert." I say. "And what if he is not into guys."

"But you said he is friends with the two famous doctor and the Engineering Nong of yours, who have boyfriends.

"Ai'Laem if a person is friend with a guy who is interest on a other guy it doesn't mean he is too." I stated.

"I know, But what if He is like us too? you know. A sudden change if heart."

" Oh, Enough with this topic." I said, as I don't want to think about it, and decide to just excuse myself. "I think I will leave the two of you first."

"Okay, Okay, Take care. Good luck with your Beam!" He shouts, as I walk away.

Just then as I got out of the mall I saw Beam's mom holding a lot of grocery bags. So I decide to go help her carry some of it.

"Hello, Auntie." I greeted.

"Oh hello Forth."

"Are you about to go back home? Let me help you carry those stuffs." I offered, noticing that she's carrying heavy groceries.

"Yes, You sure it's okay?"

"Yes Auntie." I assure her, and grab some of the grocery bags that she is holding.

"My car is still at the parking lot, Are you going back home too? Let me give you a ride as a thank you."

"Yes auntie, Thank you."

And that Beam's mom and I drove back to their house. She said that Beam was still on his class when she leave to go at the grocery that is why she is alone.

She have also told a lot of things about Beam, and that she is very thankful that his son have one friend in their new place and that was me.

Now I wonder if she have an open mind just like my mom when it terms about two boys falling in love with each other, well she is good friends with my mom maybe they are just the same. But what would her reaction if she suddenly know or realised that I'm trying to get close to Beam because I like him? and not just because I want to befriend her son.

Introvert Meets Extrovert | ForthBeamWhere stories live. Discover now