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"Hey Beam!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY our friend!!" Both of Beam's best friend jump in front of him as they greeted him cheerfully.

"Here is my gift." Phana said as he handed Beam his gift, "Here is mine?" Kit added excitedly as he hand medium size box.

"Thanks guys."  Beam said and accept the gifs.

"Let's eat later after class na'?
     Pha suggested, and Beam just nod while keeping the gifts inside his bag.

"What's with the sad aura in you?" Kit suddenly comment. "Shouldn't you be happy because is your birthday?"

"No, nothing I'm not sad, I'm always like this." He denied.

"No you are not!" Both Kit and Pha said in unison.

"What are these anyways? "
      Beam tried to change the topic by grabbing back his gifts from his nag and start ripping its wrapper.

"Hey! Don't change the topic." Phana said, but was ignored by Beam "Oh~ new Books, Thank you guys. I really want to have these new novels." Beam continues as he open their gifts.

"Bet you will react more excited when it's Ai'Forth who gave you than."
      Kit try to joke but stopped when they noticed the sudden chance in Beams expression.

"Wait don't tell be you are sad on your specially day because of Forth?" Phana asked, "what did he do to you? Did he ask for break up? He asked again but Beam remained silent making Phana furious, "Where is he? I'm going to teach him some lessons." He exclaims, if there's anything that will make Pha willing to kill someone is when family, friends, and lover are hurt.

"No, It's not him, nothing happend."
     Beam said, stopping his bestfriend before it do something stupid, Kit was about to asked more but before he can even talk again their professor entered the room and told them to straighten their postures.

"We have meeting later after class." Pha said under his breath as they all look up front.


As their four hours of class ended, Kit, Beam, and Phana went straight at the Cafe just near their university. Sitting now with their own drinks and snacks, both of Beams friend have move closer to him.

"Now spill it out, what's your problem? What Forth did to you?"
     Pha said after he take a sip of his ice coffee.

"He did nothing," Beam mumbled not looking up to his friends. "— nothing at all."

"If he did nothing, then why are you so sulked on your special day?" Kit can't but to confusedly asked.

"Because he did nothing." Beam repeated, making two of his bestfriends look at each other more confused.

"What do you mean?" Phana asked.

"Forth did not send a morning text message to me this morning, not even a single text, and he did not give me a ride on the way to class, we did not talk today. Nothin."
     Beam finally said as he lowered his head more, and just play with the slice of cake that Phana have ordered for him.

"Maybe he broke his phone and he is busy?" Phana give a doubt.

"Then he can just borrow a phone to his best friend Laem, like what he mostly do when he have his phone dead or if he is busy."

"Or... Maybe he is planning to give you a birthday surprised?" Kit voiced out trying to cheer his friend.

"Don't give me high hopes ai'Kit." Beam sigh.

Introvert Meets Extrovert | ForthBeamWhere stories live. Discover now